
  1. 人民大学刘元春主任表示,国家鼓励私人资本参与这些铁路项目的投资,但是地方政府应警惕此过程中可能会出现的融资风险。

    Private capital is encouraged to join government investments in those rail projects , but " local governments should be wary of financing risks during the process , " said Liu of Renmin University .

  2. 此外,该报道还引用了中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院主任刘元春的话称,由于大城市已经达到饱和,因此城市轨道交通建设将带来巨大的投资空间。

    Expansion of urban rail transport to smaller cities will add up to the investment as that in large cities start to saturate , the newspaper cited Liu Yuanchun , director of National Academy of Development and Strategy at Renmin University of China .