
  • 网络Liu XD
  1. AFS(AxiomaticFuzzySets)理论即公理模糊集理论,是刘晓东教授于1995年首先提出的。

    The AFS ( the Axiomatic Fuzzy Sets ) theory was firstly put forward by Professor Liu Xiaodong in 1995 . It applies the new mathematics object AFS algebras , which is a non-Boolean algebra .

  2. 刘晓东介绍说,露天看台下部分座椅是可收缩的,可扩大比赛场地空间。

    All the seats in the lower bleachers were retractable to provide more space for competitions , Liu said .

  3. 全文还通过对刘晓东、方力钧、申玲等新生代代表画家的作品进行阐释和分析。

    Through the full text of Chinese ShenLing , fang lijun , such as the new generation delegate painter works interpretation and analysis .

  4. 深圳市工务署工程师刘晓东表示,整个建筑呈现代风格,通风良好,在玻璃墙的运用上非常有创意。

    The whole structure is modern , ventilated and innovative in the use of glass walls , said Liu Xiaodong , a Shenzhen Municipal Public Works Bureau engineer .