
hǎi yàn
  • petrel;(storm) petrel;sea swallow
海燕 [hǎi yàn]
  • [(storm) petrel] 构成鹱科(Procellariidae)和海燕科(Hydrobatidae)的许多海鸟之一;尤指各种小的到中等大小长翅鸟之一,它远飞离陆地,觅食于海面游泳的动物和船弃之垃圾,繁殖于洞穴内或通常在岛上的岩石和峭壁裂缝中,羽毛主要为暗色,但有时近腰处有白色

海燕[hǎi yàn]
  1. 海燕从遥远的地方振翼飞来

    The petrel came winnowing in from afar on the sea .

  2. 海燕650B轻型飞机防治森林虫害作业技术研究

    A study on the petrel 650B type light aircraft to control of insect pests

  3. 在像台风海燕或飓风卡特里娜(Katrina)这样的事件导致保险索赔大幅增加时,保险公司是有切身体会的。

    They were at the sharp end when events like Typhoon Haiyan or Hurricane Katrina caused a huge increase in insurance claims .

  4. 黄海产海燕(Asterinapectinifera)海星皂甙的制备

    Preparation of Asterosaponin from Asterina pectinifera in Huanghai Sea

  5. 预计台风海燕已造成菲律宾400万人流离失所,超过了飓风卡特里娜(Katrina)和印度洋海啸造成的无家可归的人数总和,给该国政府和救援机构带来史无前例的挑战。

    Typhoon Haiyan displaced an estimated 4 million people in the Philippines-exceeding the number of those who fled their homes during Hurricane Katrina and the Indian Ocean tsunami combined-posing an unprecedented challenge to the government and relief agencies .

  6. 这只是描述海燕XONE双体帆船独特性的几个简单词汇。

    These are only a few words that can only begin to describe what makes the XONE catamaran unique .

  7. 论述海燕650B轻型飞机防治森林害虫的作业技术,系统探讨诸因素与防治效果和作业效率的关系。

    The operating technique on controlling forest pests by Haiyan 650B light airplane was summarized , and the relationship of various factor with the effect and efficiency of control was discussed systematically .

  8. 这是台风海燕和飓风卡特里娜的比较。

    This gives you a comparison Typhoon Hayian and Hurricane Katrina .

  9. 目前台风“海燕”在菲律宾造成的死亡人数已上升至3637人。

    Death toll from Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines rose to 3637 .

  10. 这就是许多菲律宾人遭受台风海燕承受的痛苦。

    That 's what Typhoon Haiyan brought to many Filipinos .

  11. 专家表示台风海燕可能是有史以来最强的台风之一。

    Experts say typhoon Haiyan might be one of the strongest ever .

  12. 专家表示台风海燕可能是有史以来最为强劲。

    Experts say typhoon Hayian might be one of the strongest ever .

  13. 第一章:对《海燕》中引子、快板、慢板、快板再现以及尾声分别进行了详细的曲式结构分析。

    The first chapter are the " Swallow " in musical form analysis .

  14. 用复合酶法提取海燕中总皂苷的工艺研究

    Total saponins from starfish by a complex enzymatic method

  15. 周四的海燕是五级飓风。

    On Thursday , Haiyan was as strong as the category five hurricane .

  16. 海燕有没有一直在坚持学英文?

    Have you continued learning English , Haiyan ?

  17. 南海大型黑色的海燕,下颚上有白色斑点。

    Large black petrel of southern seas having a white mark on the chin .

  18. 主要是分布在南极附近海洋的大型略带褐色的海燕。

    Large brownish petrel chiefly of Antarctic seas .

  19. 超级台风海燕已经过境菲律宾5天了。

    It has been 5 days since super typhoon Haiyan slammed into the Philippines .

  20. 像海燕这样的热带气旋通常形成于大片相对温暖的水域之上。

    Tropical cyclones like Haiyun typically form over large bodies of relatively warm water .

  21. 那是来自海燕的风暴潮。

    That was the storm surge from Haiyan .

  22. 盖布瑞·马赫特拜访了受台风海燕影响的某菲律宾重灾区。

    Gabriel Macht has visited an area of the Philippines devastated by typhoon Haiyan .

  23. 对于海燕台风的许多受害者而言,现在关注的是生存。

    For many victims of Typhoon Hayian , the focus is now on survival .

  24. 浅谈海燕大桥的病害及加固处理

    Structural defects and reinforcement of the Haiyan bridge

  25. 海燕麦很不安分,可它们的同类野生燕麦更加经历旺盛。

    Sea oats were restless , but their cousins the wild oats were hyperactive .

  26. 当海燕在诊所的时候,我正要去上课。

    While Hai Yan was at the doctor 's , I was going to class .

  27. 台风“海燕”登陆时仍有上万名民众住在临时避难所里。

    Hundreds of thousands of people were still living in makeshift shelters when Haiyan arrived .

  28. 海燕在暴风雨中飞掠。

    The petrel rode the storm .

  29. 飓风卡特里娜也被称作美国历史上最严重的自然灾害,相比之下海燕更为强劲。

    Katrina has been called the worst natural disaster in U.S. history , Hayian is bigger .

  30. 5级台风“海燕”的最大风力达到170英里每小时。

    The strong Category 5 typhoon has set maximum wind up to 170 miles an hour .