
  1. 声学海洋鱼类资源调查方法

    Acoustic method for fish stock investigation

  2. 海洋鱼类资源的可持续利用和海洋鱼类科学技术的研究方向

    The Sustainable Exploitation of Marine Fish Resources and the Research Directions of Science and Technology for Marine Fish

  3. 对海洋价值鱼类资源、水产加工废弃物、以及尚未利用的海洋生物资源的开发利用己引起重视。

    Attentions have been paid to developing and utilizing marine low-value fish , aquatic product processing wastes , and marine unutilized organism resources .

  4. 电视摄像机和传感器可以监视经过海缆附近的鱼和洋流,从而帮助理解海洋环境和鱼类资源。

    " TV cameras and sensors can monitor fish and currents passing near the cable to help understand the ocean environment and fish stocks ," he said .

  5. 哈丁主张,公共牧场或海洋鱼类等公共资源,将不可避免地遭到过度开发,因为每个人都会抢夺这些资源,就像两个小孩儿分吃一盒爆米花时的情形。

    Hardin argued that commonly owned resources , such as common grazing land or fish in the ocean , would inevitably be overexploited as each individual gobbled up resources like two children sharing a carton of popcorn .

  6. 发展海洋鱼类的增殖和养殖是海洋鱼类资源的合理开发利用与持续性发展的根本措施和策略。

    The development of proliferation and culture of marine fishes is the fundamental measure and strategy for the exploitation and sustainable development of marine fishery resources .