
  • 网络Deep-Sea Creatures;deep-sea organisms;Creatures of the Deep;Creatures OfTheDeep
  1. 奥克兰最受欢迎的景点之一莫过于凯利塔顿海底世界了。它让游客们深入这座城市的海面以下观赏深海生物。

    One of Auckland 's most popular attractions , Kelly Tarlton 's Underwater World , takes guests under the city 's waterfront to see creatures of the deep .

  2. 那可真不简单。因为深海生物已经进化得能够耐受如此高压,一旦压力消失,它们的细胞膜就会溶解。

    That is no mean feat . Because creatures of the deep ocean have evolved to tolerate so much pressure , their cell membranes tend to liquefy when that pressure is released .

  3. 我已经大体上寻找到化石和深海生物。

    I 've mainly searched for fossils and deep sea creatures .

  4. 深海生物多样性所受的威胁及其保护研究

    Threats of Deep Sea Biodiversity and its Conservation

  5. 对深海生物的生物,物理与地质性质的科学研究。

    The scientific study of bodies of fresh water for their biological and physical and geological properties .

  6. 吸引我们所有人的正是这些深海生物的怪诞神奇。

    What fascinates all of us is the very weirdness of these creatures from the deep ocean .

  7. 深海生物经过长期的进化、选择,在各种极端的环境条件下形成了独特的组织结构、酶系统及代谢机制以进行生存和繁衍。

    Deep-sea microorganism has especial histiocyte system , metabolism and enzyme system in long-term evolution in deep-sea environment .

  8. 但这可能是错的,因为现实中的深海生物并不需要这类特性来维持生命。

    But this would be wrong , because real-life deep sea organisms do not require such features to survive .

  9. 泥火山、张裂隙充填脉、碳酸盐壳、深海生物群是流体活动的直接体现;

    Mud volcano , veins filled in fractures , carbonate crust and benthic biological communities are direct indications of fluid activities .

  10. 在海底热液环境与深海生物活动模拟实验研究中,支撑技术的的重要性是无可替代的。

    In the deep-sea hydrothermal environment and simulation study of biological activity , the importance of supporting technology is no substitute .

  11. 海洋生物统计局的工作人员称,深海生物的多样性远远高于此前估计。

    Staff working for the Census of Marine Life said the diversity of life in the deep sea was much greater than previously believed .

  12. 前不久,科学家们对深海生物还知之甚少,也不太相信它们正受到威胁。

    Until recently , scientists knew little about life in the deep sea , nor had they reason to believe that it was being threatened .

  13. 科学家常对月鱼如何能承受这样的温度感到奇怪,因为它的心脏并不像其他深海生物那样大。

    Scientists have often wondered how the fish can withstand the temperatures given that they lack typical deep sea dweller characteristics like a large heart .

  14. 深海生物只有在快速移动到另一个深度时才会出现问题&那样会造成细胞膜内外压力的失衡。

    The deep-sea creatures would have a problem only if they move to a different depth quickly & which would cause a pressure imbalance between internal and external pressures .

  15. 通过对极端环境模拟系统中培养釜的研制,将解决我国深海生物及其基因资源研究开发中一个重要技术瓶颈。

    Through the development of extreme environment simulation system , important technical bottlenecks in the field of our deep-sea organisms and their genetic resources research & development will be resolved .

  16. 能使一物与另一物相连的物体,如绳、带子或钩扣。对深海生物的生物,物理与地质性质的科学研究。

    " Something , such as a tie , band , or fastener , that attaches one thing to another . " the scientific study of bodies of fresh water for their biological and physical and geological properties .

  17. 不是全部水母都这样,大概一半吧。实际上,很多海洋生物都有这种能力,特别是那些生活在深海的生物。

    Well , not all jellyfish , about half of them . Actually , a lot of marine organisms have this ability , especially in deeper parts of the ocean .

  18. 并不是每天都有来自深海神秘生物游弋到浅海,但平安夜晚上,许多游客在日本中部富山湾的一个港口看到了难得一遇的巨型乌贼。

    It isn 't every day that a mystery from the deep swims into plain sight . But on Christmas Eve , spectators on a pier in Toyama Bay in central Japan were treated to a rare sighting of a giant squid .

  19. 深海小型底栖生物标本的自动分离仪设计

    The Design of Automatic Separation Facility for Benthic Meiofauna Sample

  20. 热带北太平洋深海小型底栖生物大尺度空间分布

    The spacial distribution of tropical north Pacific deep-sea meiobenthos

  21. 深海小型底栖生物具有重要生物医学研究价值。

    Benthic meiobenthos is one of the most important community to biomedical research .

  22. 深海小型底栖生物分离装置的研究将对深海生物学的研究和深海环境评价有较大的推动作用。

    Benthic meiobenthos is one of the most important community , which can affect our opinion about deep-sea environment .

  23. 它们的饮食十分多样,吃深海中的生物和鱿鱼,几乎没有天敌。

    Tending to favor a diverse diet of other pelagic species and squid , they have few natural predators .

  24. 食物是深海小型底栖生物分布的限制因子,沉积物类型和底层流对小型底栖生物空间分布也有一定的影响。

    Food is a control factor for the meiobenthos distribution , and its distribution is also affected by the sediment type and bottom current .

  25. 尤其在深海缺乏其它生物化石的条件下,它是划分地层最重要的依据之一。

    As we known , it is one of the most important standards in stratigraphic division especially on the condition of lacking other fossils in deep-sea .

  26. 为了解决深海小型底栖生物样品分离装置的毛细孔堵塞问题,提出了一种适合于其结构和堵塞特点的旋转射流解堵方法。

    A rotating liquid jet method based on the cramming and structure characteristics of porous was proposed to resolve the cramming problem in the design of benthic meiobenthos separating device .

  27. 海怪,蛇颈龙,水下UFO或者甚至是一个巨大的鲸鱼,无论是潜伏在南极洲附近海域冰冷黑暗的深海中的庞大生物是什么,它都已引起轩然大波。

    Kraken , Plesiosaur , underwater UFO or maybe even a massive whale , whatever is lurking in the dark fridge waters near Antarctica is a massive creature creating quite a stir .

  28. 深海锰结核作生物固定化载体处理染料废水

    Manganese Nodules as Bio-immobilized Carrier to Degradation Dye Wastewater

  29. 通常在深海发现的栖息生物包括细菌、真菌、软体动物以及昆虫幼虫。

    Commonly found inhabitants include bacteria , fungi , mollusks , and insect larvae .

  30. 深海热液喷口生物群落的研究进展

    Research advances in deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities