
  • 网络Deep learning
  1. 百度是中国最大的搜索引擎。吴恩达是深度学习(deeplearning)领域的专家,该领域是人工智能的一个分支,专注于让计算机学习如何像我们一样听、说、读、思。

    Mr Ng is an expert in deep learning , a branch of artificial intelligence that focus on teaching computers how to talk , listen , read , and think like us .

  2. 作为一名出生在英国的华人,他在2011年创建了“谷歌大脑”(GoogleBrain)——谷歌的深度学习项目,并且在去年加入百度前一直领导着该项目。

    A UK native with Chinese roots , he founded in 2011 Google Brain , the US technology company 's deep learning project , and led it until he joined the Chinese company last year .

  3. 数年后,当深度学习算法被移植到GPU集群中后,其速度有了显著提高。

    Deep-learning algorithms accelerated enormously a few years later when they were ported to GPUs .

  4. 谷歌和Facebook等美国互联网公司一直引领深度学习领域的投资,而硅谷则出现了人工智能和机器人领域的更广泛创业潮。

    While US internet companies such as Google and Facebook have led the investment in deep learning , Silicon Valley has seen a wider start-up boom in AI and robotics .

  5. 近年来,Twitter、Pinterest,、Dropbox、雅虎和谷歌等公司都收购了一些专攻深度学习技术的创业公司。

    Twitter , Pinterest , Dropbox , Yahoo , and Google have all acquired deep learning startups in recent years .

  6. LLM可以和商务或语言等其它领域的深度学习相结合。

    The LLMs can be coupled with in-depth study in other areas , such as business or languages .

  7. 一部计算机只需要一种叫做的“简单匹配算法(BF算法)“的技术来赢得象棋比赛。这对于围棋来说是不可能实现的。阿尔法狗是运用一种叫做“深度学习”

    A computer can use a technique called brute force to win at chess . This is not possible with Go . AlphaGo uses real artificial intelligence called deep learning in order to solve problems .

  8. 仅靠深度学习的代码并不足以能产生复杂的逻辑思维,但是它是包括IBM的沃森电脑、谷歌搜索引擎以及Facebook算法在内,当下所有人工智能产品的主要组成部分。

    The code of deep learning alone is insufficient to generate complex logical thinking , but it is an essential component of all current AIs , including IBM 's Watson , Google 's search engine , and Facebook 's algorithms .

  9. 中国正在抢着利用这种技术,百度(Baidu)制定了在5年内大规模生产的目标——该公司在深度学习上的专长部分源于硅谷。

    China is racing to capitalise on the technology and Baidu - whose expertise in deep learning stems partly from Silicon Valley - has a goal of getting to mass production in five years .

  10. 2006年,当时就职于多伦多大学的杰夫·辛顿(GeoffHinton)对这一方法进行了一次关键改进,并将其称之为深度学习。

    In 2006 , Geoff Hinton , then at the University of Toronto , made a key tweak to this method , which he dubbed deep learning .

  11. 美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)也在探索如何借助深度学习技术来实时理解庞大的情报信息流。

    DARPA , the U.S. Department of Defense 's research agency , is also investigating how deep learning techniques might be able to help it make sense of the streams of communications crossing intelligence networks everyday .

  12. 日本深度学习公司PreferredNetworks首席运营官长谷川顺一(JunichiHasegawa)表示,日本在制造业相对于美国的领先地位,应该会支撑其在工业机器人领域占据优势。该公司的投资者包括发那科(发那科生产的机器人都被涂成亮黄色)。

    Japan 's manufacturing lead over the US should sustain its edge in industrial robots , said Junichi Hasegawa , chief strategy officer at Preferred Networks , a Japanese deep learning company that counts Fanuc - whose machines are all painted bright yellow - among its investors .

  13. AlphaGo的胜利证明了创建者使用的“深度学习”系统的威力。AlphaGo是由谷歌在两年前收购的伦敦创业型企业DeepMind创建的。

    The victory demonstrates the power of the " deep learning " systems employed by AlphaGo 's creators at DeepMind , a London-based start-up acquired by Google two years ago .

  14. 在他们看来,机器学习和深度学习——后者支撑了DeepMind的AlphaGo引人注目的成功——只不过是对已经投入使用很长时间的技术的扩展或加强。

    They see areas such as machine learning and deep learning - the latter underpinned DeepMind 's Go exploits - merely as extensions or enhancements of techniques that have for long been in use .

  15. 基于博客的深度学习研究&以苏州教育博客为例

    Blog-based Deep Learning : A Case Study of Suzhou Education Blog

  16. 利用信息技术促进大学生深度学习的研究

    Research on Using the Information Technology to Promote University Students ' Deep Learning

  17. 深度学习是目前学习理论中的一个重要概念。

    Deep learning is an important concept in the learning theory at present .

  18. 深度学习是当代学习科学提出的重要概念。

    Deep learning is an important concept raised by the current learning sciences .

  19. 这次比赛中,百度启用了绰号为“Minwa”的深度学习超级计算机。

    For the test , Baidu used its deep learning supercomputer dubbed Minwa .

  20. 为了支持新的搜索,百度已经在深度学习项目上投入巨资。

    Baidu has pumped money into deep learning programs to support the new searches .

  21. 而另一家互联网巨头百度公司则于3月份在北京创立了一家深度学习技术实验室。

    Internet giant Baidu set up a national deep learning technology lab in Beijing in March .

  22. 纽约大学和密歇根州立大学的研究人员成功开发出了“深度学习指纹”。

    Researchers from New York University and Michigan State University successfully generated what they call " DeepMasterPrints . "

  23. 他们一直在致力于将深度学习(人工智能研究的一个分支)应用于驾驶。

    They had been working to apply deep learning , a strand of artificial intelligence research , to driving .

  24. 周四,基于深度学习的亚马逊图像检测和识别服务获得升级,目前已能检测名人。

    Amazon 's deep learning-powered image detection and recognition service got an upgrade on Thursday : It can detect celebrities .

  25. 因此,研究如何利用信息技术促进大学生的深度学习就成为了一项现实的课题。

    How to use the information technology to promote University Students ' Deep Learning turns to be a realistic project .

  26. 这里是许多人工智能应用的孕育基地,比如安保领域、声音识别领域以及深度学习领域等。

    The hub is home to various AI applications such as security and protection , voice recognition and deep learning .

  27. 总体来说,网络环境下开展学习叙事促进学生深度学习具有可操作性和现实意义。

    Generally speaking , narrative for students to learn the deep learning under network environment is of practical and real significance .

  28. 本文从创新意识与实践能力提高的角度,提出了必须加强艺术理论深度学习的观点。

    To improve creative idea and practical ability , this paper presents the idea that artistic theory must be studied deeply .

  29. 尽管雄心勃勃,但要将深度学习转变成赚钱的项目仍有很长一段路要走。

    But in spite of lofty long-term ambitions , translating deep learning into money-making projects is still largely on the horizon .

  30. ,词汇习得,尤其是高频词的深度学习在语言学习中至关重要,应融入英语教学的各个环节中。

    Vocabulary acquisition , especially the qualitative knowledge of high-frequency words are of crucial significance to language acquisition and language teaching .