
  • 网络quarter;term;quarter system
  1. 按照学季制度,将需要一百九十到二百零八个学分。

    Ina quarter system the credits would total 190 to 208 .

  2. 在一学期或一学季中每星期上一“学时”的课是一个学分,因此每周三“学时”的就是三个学分;

    One class " hour " a week for a semester or quarter gives one credit . thus , a class that meets three times a week for a semester or quarter earns three credits .

  3. 旧金山——就在开学季和假日购物季到来之际,本周三,苹果公司(Apple)为iPhone、iPad和AppleTV发布了一系列硬件升级。

    SAN FRANCISCO - Just in time for the back-to-school and holiday shopping seasons , Apple on Wednesday announced a series of hardware upgrades for the iPhone , iPad and Apple TV .

  4. 《生物学季评》上刊登的一篇统合分析或许能为此提供点线索。

    A meta-analysis published in the Quarterly Review of Biology may offer a clue .