
  • 网络the National Book Award
  1. 乔伊斯.卡罗.欧茨(JoyceCarolOates):这个极端高产的作家(看看Wikipedia上她的页面中的著作列表)获得了无数个奖项,其中包括美国国家图书奖(NationalBookAward)。

    This extremely prolific writer ( see her bibliography on her Wikipedia page !) has won numerous awards , including the National Book Award .

  2. 美籍华人作家哈金以一部英文创作的长篇小说《等待》荣获1999年美国国家图书奖(NationalBookAward)及2000年美国笔会/福克纳小说奖(PEN/FaulknerAwardforFiction),从此备受世人瞩目。

    American Chinese writer Ha Jin has won world fame for his English fiction " Waiting " which was granted 1999 National Book Award and 2000 PEN / Faulkner Award for Fiction .

  3. 她凭借此书斩获了“美国国家图书奖”。

    She was the National Book Award for this book .

  4. 她的诗集《告诉我》获美国国家图书奖。

    Her previous collection , Tell Me , was a National Book Award Finalist .

  5. 这部小说赢得了1983年的普利策小说奖和美国国家图书奖。

    It won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and the National Book Award in 1983 .

  6. 同一年由于它的“中国之行”摄影作品集而获得美国国家图书奖。

    That same year , she received the National Book Award for her book In China .

  7. 他曾获得美国国家图书奖、普利策奖、威廉斯奖等。

    His honors include the National Book Award , the Pulitzer Prize , the William Carlos Williams Award , etc.

  8. 《他们》是欧茨早期文学创作的巅峰之作,为作者赢得了1970年的“美国国家图书奖”。

    National Book Award winner in1970 , them is recognized as a peak of Oates'literary creation in the early stage .

  9. 今年美国国家图书奖的入围书目无疑是现代文学的瑰宝。

    The announcement of this year 's US National Book Awards finalists has highlighted a number of modern literary gems .

  10. 他被授予美国国家图书奖,从而引发了一场关于他及他的小说在美国文学史上的地位的争论。

    His being awarded of American Book Scholarship elicits an argument about his horror fictions and his position in American literature .

  11. 这是她第二次获此奖项。她的第二部小说《拾骨》荣获2011年度“美国国家图书奖”。

    It was her second National Book Award . Her second novel , " Salvage the Bones , " won the award in 2011 .

  12. 美国国家图书奖得主乔纳森·弗兰岑会戴上耳塞、耳罩和眼罩来提高集中力。

    The author Jonathan Franzen , winner of the US National Book Award , puts on earplugs , earmuffs and a blindfold to improve concentration .

  13. 她曾获得普利策奖、美国国家图书奖、国家图书评论界奖等许多奖项。

    Elizabeth Bishop won a number of awards , including the Pulitzer Prize , the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award .

  14. 出版同年即获得了美国国家图书奖的事实更进一步地证明了小说本身具有一定的内在价值。

    Its reception of the National Book Award in the same year after it saw light is further proof positive that the novel has its inherent values .

  15. 美国国家图书奖决赛入围名单已于周三揭晓。陪审团第二次着迷于以战争和列国风景为题材的书籍。

    For the second year in a row books about war and foreign locales enchanted the judges of the National Book Awards , whose finalists were announced on Wednesday .

  16. 当斯蒂芬。金在美国国家图书奖接受因为其对美国文学作出的卓越贡献而颁发的奖项时,美国国内出现一阵关于文化的争论。

    There was a clash of cultures at the US National Book Awards on Wednesday when horror writer Stephen King accepted an honorary award for his contribution to American letters .

  17. 作为一位当代著名的黑人作家和哲学家,查尔斯·约翰逊一生创作了大量优秀文学作品和哲学作品,凭借其富于哲学意味的代表作《中途》获得1990年美国国家图书奖。

    Charles Johnson , as a contemporary Afro-American novelist and philosopher , has produced a number of works and won the 1990 National Book Award for his masterpiece Middle Passage , a novel of profound philosophical discussion and exploration .

  18. 《所罗门之歌》是她的第三部小说,曾登上过《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜,并为她捧回过美国国家图书奖,被公认为是标志着她文学创作走向熟的重要作品。

    Song of Solomon is her third novel , which is generally considered as the landmark of the maturity of her literary creation , reaching the New York Times best-seller list and receiving the National Book Critics Award and the American Academy and Institute of Art and Letters Award .

  19. 他的小说获得了美国普利策奖、美国国家图书奖、笔会/福克纳小说奖、美国批评家协会小说奖等几乎所有美国小说类重要文学奖项。

    He has won the Pulitzer Prize , the American National Book Award , the PEN / Faulkner Award , and the National Book Critics Circle Award for his fiction .

  20. 她的最后一部小说《在美国》获得了2000年美国国家图书奖(小说类)。

    In America was her last novel and won the 2000 National Book Award for fiction .

  21. 1997年一举夺得美国文学界最重要的奖项&美国国家图书奖小说类获奖作品《寒山》是美国作家查尔斯·弗雷泽的处女作也是他的代表作。

    Cold Mountain is the first work and the masterpiece of American writer Charles Frazier . The novel make him National Book Award winner , the most important literature prize in America .

  22. 他的杰作《白噪音》一经发表便震惊美国文坛,并于次年为德里罗带来了美国国家图书奖。

    After the publishment of his masterpiece White Noise , this novel immediately shocked the whole American literary circle and the next year Don Delillo got the National Book Award for this novel .

  23. 哈金踏入美国文坛多年,获得了很多美籍华裔鲜有人得到过的文学奖项,比如美国国家图书奖、国际笔会/福克纳奖、弗兰纳里·奥康纳短篇小说奖。

    After entering American literary circle , he won many literary awards that few Chinese-American can obtain , such as American National Book Award , PEN / Faulkner Award , and Flannery O ' Connor Award for Short Fiction .

  24. 查尔斯·弗雷泽(1950-)是美国一位新近崛起的作家,《冷山》是其文学生涯中的首部小说,同时也是1997年美国国家图书奖获奖小说。

    Charles Frazier ( born November 4,1950 ) is a contemporary American writer . Cold Mountain is the debut novel in his writing career , which is also the prize-winning novel of the 1997 National Book Award .

  25. 美国当代著名作家威廉·斯泰伦虽著作不多,但他的每部小说都堪称精品,先后获得了罗马奖,普利策奖,美国国家图书奖,及美国国家艺术勋章。

    William Styron , a celebrated contemporary American writer , is not a prolific writer . However each novel he writes can be rated as treasure which earns him the Rome Prize , the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction , and the National Medal of Arts .

  26. 艾丽斯·沃克是二十世纪美国文坛最有影响的作家之一。她的《紫色》(TheColorPurple)荣获了代表美国文学最高荣誉的普利策奖和美国国家图书奖,成为美国文学中的经典。

    The Color Purple , which has won Walker the Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award , is an important work in Afro - American Literature and American Literature .