
  • 网络Nancy Pelosi;John Boehner;Speaker of the House;Speaker of the United States House of Representatives;Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
  1. 美国众议院议长佩洛西表示,总统的评论有失白宫的尊严。

    Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said the president 's comments were beneath the dignity of the office .

  2. 美国众议院议长、共和党人贝纳星期五也警告说,不要指望会很快达成协议。

    The Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives , John Boehner , also warned Friday against expectations of a quick deal .

  3. 美国众议院议长佩洛西(NancyPelosi)说,虽然她希望帮助美国汽车工业,但也暗示说能否帮得成主要取决于对三大汽车公司扭亏计划的评估结果。

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ( D. , Calif. ) said she hoped to help the industry , but suggested much will depend on the assessments made of the industry plans .

  4. 美国众议院议长约翰·博纳在高度赞扬丘吉尔前放了首相在1941年美国国会演讲片段。

    The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives , John Boehner , played clips from the prime minister 's 1941 speech to the U.S. Congress before praising Churchill .

  5. 本文简介:《时代》杂志选出美国众议院议长、共和党人纽特金里奇为该刊1995“本年风云人物”。

    In this article : time magazine voted newt gingrich , Republican Party speaker of america 's house of representatives , its " man of the year " in1995 .

  6. 今天我们要学的词是doublestandard。Doublestandard,双重标准。美国国会众议院议长佩洛西指责共和党人在医疗保健改革的辩论中使用双重标准,“HouseSpeakerNancyPelosi

    accused Republicans of having a double standard in the health care reform debate . "

  7. 可能会看到TipO'Neil(美国前众议院议长)呢

    I might get to see Tip O'Neill .

  8. 美国国会众议院议长约翰•博纳(JOHNBOEHNER)表示,他将致力于与奥巴马合作,但他的口吻有些不客气,他呼吁奥巴马否认有关他计划对新的多数党发动反击的报道。

    John Boehner , the Republican House speaker , said he was committed to working with Mr Obama , but struck a combative tone , calling on the president to disavow reports that he planned to launch a ' counterattack ' on the new majority .

  9. 美国国会众议院议长、共和党人贝纳说,任何加税的建议都是不可接受的,都不能做为开始预算谈判的内容。

    Republican House Speaker John Boehner has said any proposal to raise taxes would be " unacceptable " and a " non-starter " for budget negotiations .

  10. 美国国会众议院议长佩洛西说,美国和平研究所帮助解决了上个世纪的一些最严重的暴力事件,今天仍在继续工作。

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the U.S. Institute of Peace helped resolve some of the worst violence of the last century and continues that work today .

  11. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛共和党人约翰·博纳(JohnBoehner)现在担任美国国会众议院的议长。

    Republican John Boehner is currently serving in the role as speaker of the House .

  12. 出席星期一晚上大会活动的其他知名人士包括美国首位众议院女议长南希.佩洛西。

    Other prominent speakers Monday night will include the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi .

  13. 其它5名参加辩论的竞争者包括,前明尼苏达州州长蒂姆.普兰提,美国国会众议院前议长纽特.金里奇,来自宾夕法尼亚州的前联邦参议员里克.山托兰,来自德克萨斯的联邦众议员罗恩.保罗以及乔治亚商人赫尔曼.凯恩。

    Five other contenders took part in the debate including former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty , former U.S. House speaker Newt Gingrich , former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum , Texas Congressman Ron Paul and Georgia businessman Herman Cain .

  14. 是总统,美国最高法院,众议院议长还是司法部门?

    Is it the president , the U.S. Supreme Court , Speaker of the House or Department of Justice ?