
  1. 然而,对于国家党(National)的农村票仓来说,农业部门却是个十分敏感的问题。2013年,澳大利亚政府曾阻止美国ADM公司(ArcherDanielsMidland)以34亿澳元收购GrainCorp的交易,农业问题的敏感性由此可见一斑。

    However , the agricultural sector is a sensitive issue among the National party 's rural base - a fact underlined when the government in 2013 blocked a A $ 3.4bn takeover of GrainCorp by US company Archer Daniels Midland .

  2. 旧金山市具备一些天然的优势:有钱、一贯力挺抗H.I.V.斗争的政治领导人(他们这么做的部分原因是因为同性恋人群是一大票仓)、密切合作的医学界。

    San Francisco has some natural advantages : wealth , political leaders who consistently back the fight - in part because the gay vote is so big - and a close-knit medical community in which many of the top officials in the fight against H.I.V. have studied together ,

  3. 不过现在,罕则瞄准了谢里夫在东部地区的主要票仓区。

    Yet , for now , Mr Khan is squarely targeting Mr Sharif 's core supporters in the east of the country .

  4. 杰布布什能说英语和西班牙语,他利用这一点向不局限于共和党传统票仓的更广大选民发出了呼吁。这些少数族裔已经变得越来越重要。

    Speaking in both English and Spanish , Mr Bush used his speech to appeal to a broad swath of the US electorate - of which minorities have become increasingly more important - not just the Republican 's conservative base .

  5. 富有经验的反对党领袖萨塔在点票开始阶段就处于领先地位,当时的选票主要来自都市地区和赞比亚的采矿区,那些地方是他的票仓。

    Veteran opposition leader Michael Sata sprang into an early lead as the first election returns came in from his strongholds in urban areas and Zambia 's mining zones .