
piào fánɡ jià zhí
  • box-office value;box office intake
票房价值 [piào fáng jià zhí]
  • [box office earnings] 指影剧院上演电影、戏剧等的售票收入。也可指观众对上演电影、戏剧等的欢迎程度

  1. 2013年,数据分析师埃德蒙·赫尔墨(EdmundHelmer)计算出奥斯卡获奖影片的相对票房价值为300万美元,这通常不到电影公司奥斯卡宣传费的一半。

    In 2013 , the data analyst Edmund Helmer put the relative box-office value of an Academy Award win at $ 3 million & often less than half of what a studio spends in its Oscar promotion .

  2. 这个剧没有票房价值。

    The play has no box-office appeal .

  3. 这场赌博终于大获全胜:这部影片立即在全美国同时在英国赢得极高的票房价值。

    The gamble paid off : the film quickly became a box-office success across America and in Britain .

  4. 相比之下,金球奖获奖影片的相对票房价值为1420万美元。

    A Golden Globe win , by contrast , was worth $ 14.2 million to a prospective film .

  5. 电影应关注市场,赢得“票房价值”,但不应“票房至上”;

    Films should follow the market , that is , attend as well as gain the " tickets ", but not all for the " tickets " .

  6. 然而与其他类型片相比,科幻电影这种最具票房价值的类型片却很难被严肃的艺术家、评论家所正视。

    However , compared with other types of films , science fiction films which win the most box-office value , it is difficult to be treated seriously by the artists and researchers .