
piào miàn jià zhí
  • nominal value;face value;nominal par;face par
  1. 此外,AEG正在为已经售出的近100万张演唱会门票退款,其票面价值估计在8500万美元-1.20亿美元之间。AEG给了歌迷们一个选择:保留他们已买的演唱会门票作为纪念,而不用退票。

    Additionally , the promoter is in the process of offering refunds on the nearly one million tickets it sold , whose face value was estimated at between $ 85 million and $ 120 million .

  2. 福兹将军将按票面价值付清这张凭单。

    General foods will redeem this voucher at face value .

  3. 部分希腊债券将展期30年,其票面价值将得到efsf的担保。

    The bonds will be extended by 30 years , and their nominal value will be guaranteed by the EFSF .

  4. 参与的银行将按照CDO全价或票面价值获得补偿,条件是允许AIG解除此前发行的信贷违约掉期。

    The banks that participate will be compensated for the securities ' full , or par , value in exchange for allowing AIG to unwind the credit-default swaps it wrote . '

  5. 到期时,借款方按票面价值全额偿付投资者。

    On maturity , the borrower repays the investor at full price .

  6. 这些票据的发行价低于票面价值,但没有票面利息。

    The notes are issued below par , but with no coupon .

  7. 对于投资者而言,一只普通股的票面价值是没有意义的。

    For investors , a common stock 's par value is meaningless .

  8. 债券发行人必须支付票面价值的日期。

    The market value of a bond which is above its face value .

  9. 债券的票面价值和贴现债券选择权估价的前景是一样的。

    The Par and Discount bond options are equivalent from a valuation perspective .

  10. 这个国家的货币可按票面价值兑换。

    The currency of this country exchanges at par .

  11. 这些是每张票面价值100美元的托拉斯证券。

    There are trust certificates with a par value of $ 100 each .

  12. 折价债券的市场价低于票面价值。

    The market value of a bond which is below its face value .

  13. 票面价值,表面价值这表的价值超出标价。

    Nominal [ face ] value The watch is worth more than the price .

  14. 这家股票今天以高于票面价值出售。

    This stock is selling above par today .

  15. 有建议提出要重新确定可自由兑换比索与美元票面价值的关系。

    One idea is to repeg the convertible peso at par to the dollar .

  16. 还本时付息债券,按票面值付息债券以低于票面价值的价格发行的债券。

    Discount Bond : Bond selling at a price less than its par value .

  17. 但是如果他们晚了,我们有机会迅速得到票面价值。

    If they were late , we had the prospect of getting par quickly .

  18. 花两美元或买等量面值的邮票。你的股金与票面价值相等。

    Send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps . Your shares are at par .

  19. 溢价:债券的市场价超过票面价值。

    Premium : The market value of a bond which is above its face value .

  20. 我们是按票面价值买进这只股票的。

    We bought the stock at par .

  21. 股票按超出票面价值出售。

    Shares are selling at a premium .

  22. 这项贷款明年七月才到期,不过现在有些放款人已经在按票面价值的折扣价甩卖这些贷款了。

    Some lenders have been selling pieces of it at a discount from face value .

  23. 在以前的年月中很快积累得来的表现为票面价值的全部财富化为乌有。

    The whole wealth so swiftly gathered in the paper values of pervious years vanished .

  24. 票面价值:债券按面价发行的价值。

    Par value : refers to the original issue of a bond at full price .

  25. 131000美元约为当前公司股票每股票面价值的115%。

    So perhaps $ 131,000 is 115 % of what book value per share now is .

  26. 应付债券应当按照已发行债券的票面价值登记入帐。

    Bonds payable shall be accounted for based on the face value if the bonds issued .

  27. 你的股金与票面价值相等。

    Your shares are at par .

  28. 如今其债券价格是票面价值的三分之一,而违约豁免之前则是四分之一。

    The bonds now trade at a third of face value , from a quarter before the waiver .

  29. 消费者争议委员会决定该活动的组织者应该退还票面价值50%的金额。

    The consumer body decided that the event 's organizer should refund 50 % of the ticket price .

  30. 它们的市值尽管远低于票面价值自年初以来一直在大幅反弹。

    Their market value , while much less , has been recovering sharply since the start of the year .