
  • 网络currency board
  1. 它加强了支持盯住美元的货币局(currencyboard)制度,增加了银行体系的流动性,严格了股市规则。

    It beefed up the currency board backing the peg to the US dollar , increased liquidity in the banking system and tightened stock market rules .

  2. 本文所研究的货币局制度是IMF所定义的8种汇率制度之一。

    The Currency Board Arrangement ( CBA ) that the thesis studies is one of the eight categories of exchange rate systems that IMF defines .

  3. 沙特阿拉伯货币局(SAMA)局长法赫德穆巴拉克(Fahadal-Mubarak)在7月表示,利雅得方面已经以地方债形式发行了第一笔40亿美元债券,这是自2007年以来沙特政府首次发行主权债券。

    Fahad al-Mubarak , the governor of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency ( Sama ) , said in July that Riyadh had already issued its first $ 4bn in local bonds , the first sovereign issuance since 2007 .

  4. 货币局制度:阿根廷危机的根源

    Currency Board Agreements : the Cause of Crisis in Argentina

  5. 澳新银行表示,它有信心香港将保持货币局制度。

    ANZ said it remained confident that the system would stay in place .

  6. 货币局制度及其基本运行特征

    On the Currency Board Institution and the Fundamental Characteristics of its Operation Mechanism

  7. 当代货币局制度的运行特征分析

    On the Characteristics of Contemporary Monetary Authority System

  8. 货币局制度货币风险与市场预期&兼谈香港的实践

    Currency Risk and Market Expectation under Currency Board System & A Discussion of Hong Kong 's Experience

  9. 沙特货币局拥有6720亿美元的外汇储备,低于去年8月时7370亿美元的峰值。

    Sama has $ 672bn in foreign reserves , down from a peak of $ 737bn last August .

  10. 本文用利率升水和期限升水来衡量货币局制度下的货币风险。

    This paper uses interest rate premium and term premium to measure currency risk under currency board system .

  11. 接着还有:一些人似乎认为我们加入了一个货币局,但意大利不是拉脱维亚。

    Then : Some people seem to think we have joined a currency board , but Italy is not Latvia .

  12. 从目前各国汇率制度安排的现状来看,重两极,轻中间现象十分明显,货币局制度作为两极中的一个重要组成部分,在整个国际汇率制度发展过程中具有重要作用。

    As an essential part of fixed exchange rate system , CBA plays an important role in the history of the international exchange rate system .

  13. 因此,政府可以采取措施,改变政府的损失函数,更好地坚持货币局制度。

    The currency board system is a confident system , so government can take measures to charge the loss function and stick to currency board system better .

  14. 本文认为,相比于其国内的其他政治、经济和社会政策,将危机归咎于货币局体制是不负责任的。

    My view is : compared with other domestic political , economic and social policies , the opinion that views currency-boards system as the root of crisis is irresponsible .

  15. 香港的联系汇率制于1983年10月17日正式建立。作为货币局制度的一种变体,香港的联系汇率制是一种极端的固定汇率制度。

    Hong Kong has formally established the linked exchange rate regime on October 17 , 1983 . As a variant of currency board arrangements , the regime is a strong form of fixed exchange rate system .

  16. 委员会留意到货币发行局制度一直有效运作。

    Members observed that the currency board arrangements were working effectively .

  17. 本港的联系汇率制度是一种货币发行局制度。

    Hong Kong 's Linked Exchange Rate system is a Currency Board system .

  18. 因此,香港并无偏离货币发行局制度的规律。

    There is therefore no departure from the discipline of currency board arrangements .

  19. 货币发行局是一个好的选择吗?

    Was the currency board a good option ?

  20. 香港所奉行的货币发行局制度是属于后者。

    Hong kong , operating a currency board system , falls in the latter category .

  21. 货币发行局制度的宏观经济效应&以中国香港和阿根廷为分析个案

    Macroeconomic Effect of Currency Board System

  22. 再者,作为维持固定汇率的机制,货币发行局制度本身是最稳健的安排。

    Moreover , the mechanism for maintaining that fixed exchange Rate-through currency board arrangements-is most robust .

  23. 这项对货币发行局制度的结构性改革,是史无前例的。

    This structural change to the currency board arrangements has no precedent anywhere in the world .

  24. 这些措施的设计已尽可能与货币发行局运作原则保持一致。

    These facilities were structured in such a way as to maximise consistency with currency board discipline .

  25. 东加勒比货币管理局

    East Caribbean Currency Authority

  26. 在稳健而规范化的货币发行局制度下,货币基础数额一直保持稳定。

    The size of the monetary base has remained stable under our robust and rule-based currency board system .

  27. 编制货币发行局帐目时,所有金融资产和负债均会按市价计值。

    In preparing the currency board accounts , all financial assets and liabilities would be marked to market .

  28. 现代货币发行局制度的结构应该是怎样的一个课题,是没有先例可援的。

    No precedents were available to show us how a modern day currency board system should be structured .

  29. 在此情况下,向银行体系提供流动资金的责任便落在货币发行局身上。

    This puts the responsibility for the provision of liquidity to the banking system squarely on the currency board .

  30. 反之,每当有人从货币发行局购入外币(即资金流出港元),货币基础便会收缩。

    It contracts when the foreign currency is bought from the currency board ( outflow from Hong Kong dollars ) .