
  • 网络money commodity;FICC
  1. 在商品交换刚刚产生的时候,对货币商品的需求,就以这样的必然性和速度发展起来了。

    With such necessity and speed , even at the very beginning of commodity exchange , did the need for a money commodity develop .

  2. 作为以经营货币商品为目的的特殊企业,上市商业银行与投资者、其它企业及社会经济生活紧密相关。

    As a special enterprise dealing with currency , listed commercial banks are closely related to investors , other enterprises and social economic life .

  3. 首先,从信息商品价格的基本定义出发,指出信息商品价格是在市场交易中信息商品同存在于它之外的货币商品的交换比例。

    First , from the basic definition of information commodity price view , it points out that information commodity price is the exchange proportion of information commodity in the market transaction to currency commodity out of it .

  4. 商业银行是经营货币商品的特殊企业,其资本是商业银行经营的基础和风险保证,银行的资本结构对于实现商业银行的财务目标和稳健经营起着至关重要的作用。

    The Commercial bank is the special enterprise which operating currency , its capital is the basis and the risk guarantee of commercial banks , so the capital structure of the commercial bank plays a vital role in realizing the financial goals and moderate operation for commercial bank .

  5. 实物货币随着商品经济的发展,在流通中地位日益下降。

    Goods currency declined in circulation with the development of commodity economic .

  6. 不同货币间商品价格的换算方法。

    Exchange among three currencies and conversion among different commodity prices of different currencies .

  7. 货币:商品的时间通道

    Money : a Time Tunnel for Merchandise

  8. 货币是商品交换的媒介。

    Money is the meda of exchage .

  9. 在现行的价格水平上,会有更多的货币追逐商品。

    More money will bid for goods than there are goods available at current prices .

  10. 货币是商品的内在矛盾发展到一定阶段的必然产物,是商品交换发展到一定阶段的必然结果。

    Currency is an inevitable outcome of the goods ' inter contradictions and the goods exchange which develops to a certain period .

  11. 他们利用多种资产的价格趋势赚钱,包括股票、货币和商品原材料等。

    They take advantage of trends across a wide range of asset classes , including equities and currencies as well as raw materials .

  12. 买方:对某类商品有需求,并愿意通过支付一定的货币获得商品的所有权。

    Buyer : the one with certain requirements for some kind of goods and would like to pay certain currency to obtain the ownership of goods .

  13. 该模型为包括股票、债券、货币、商品在内的新兴衍生金融市场的各种以市价变动定价的期权定价奠定了理论基础,使得期权定价理论的研究有了突破性的进展。

    The new derivative financial market includes stock , bond , money , goods . Black-Scholes model makes great progress of the research on pricing options .

  14. 但高盛很大程度上仍将是一个黑箱,披露的关于其在固定收入、货币与商品上收益构成的信息仍然很少。

    But Goldman will remain largely a black box , continuing to reveal little about the composition of its revenues in fixed income , currencies and commodities .

  15. 人民币汇率作为货币这种商品的对外价格,其本身要受到许多因素的影响,本文又分析了各种经济因素对人民币汇率走势的影响,如:(1)外汇供求和国际收支状况;

    Successively , the papers analyses the factors which affect the trend of Renminbi exchange rate , such as : 1.the supply and demand of foreign exchange ;

  16. 黄金是稀贵金属,具有货币和商品双重属性的特殊资源性产品,黄金具有很大的需求市场。

    The gold is a sparse precious metal , having the special resources product of the currency and merchandise dual attribute , the gold has a very big need market .

  17. 货币既是商品流通的媒介和支付手段,也是社会再生产循环中的货币资金,货币与经济稳定和经济增长密切相关。

    Money is not only the means of payment and medium of exchange but also the assets in social reproduction circulation , which plays an important role in the economic stability and economic growth .

  18. 由于其平均值可以减少价格的波动,所以就导致了亚式期权比一个类似的常规期权更便宜,因此在货币和商品市场中特别流行。

    The average price can reduce the fluctuation of stock , so the Asian Option is cheaper than a similar normal option , therefore it is specially popular in the currency and the commodity market .

  19. 同时该部分的内容铺垫,更能凸显出战国时期的商品贸易发展相比前期有了明显的进步;第二部分,主要论述战国时期的货币和商品贸易繁荣状况。

    At the same time that part of the contents of the bedding , better highlights the development of the Warring States period compared to pre-merchandise trade has been significant progress ; The second part , discusses the Warring States period of prosperity in the currency and commodities trading .

  20. 在一篮子货币和大宗商品的基础上设立一种新的“超主权储备货币”并不是一个新想法,最初是经济学家约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)在二战后提出的。

    The idea of establishing a new " super-sovereign reserve currency " , based on a basket of currencies and commodities , is an old one , originally pushed by John Maynard Keynes , the economist , after the Second World War .

  21. 许多投资者仍在做空美元,尤其是做空美元、做多亚洲货币和大宗商品相关货币。

    Many investors remain short dollars , especially against commodity-linked and Asian currencies .

  22. 进行的在以后某一天交货的股票或货币或大宗商品的交易

    Trading in share or currency or commodity for delivery at a later date

  23. 它其实涉及到制造货币去购买商品,而非资产。

    Well , this involves the creation of money to buy goods , not assets .

  24. 货币政策对商品房价格的调控效果是学术界争论的焦点之一。

    The control effect of monetary policies on real estate prices is one of hot academic issues .

  25. 虚拟经济是指用货币符号表现商品价值及虚拟资本持有和交易的活动。

    Virtual economy means activity in which the currency symbol shows commodity value and virtual capital holds and deals .

  26. 适应商品经济的货币制度与商品经济的发展相互作用促进了整个社会经济的发展与前进。

    The money system adapting the development of economy and the commercial economy both advance the development of social economy .

  27. 市场经济的发展客观上要求住房分配的货币化和商品化,这就要求改革中国原有的住房分配制度。

    Because of the development of the market economy , the housing allotment must be the currency turn and commercialization .

  28. 有意愿的卖主正在提供机会,而货币及大宗商品价格暴跌也可能催生一些交易。

    Opportunities are being presented by willing vendors , while the collapse in currency and commodity prices could also trigger some deals .

  29. 你总是可以用这些货币购买贵重商品,相关政府不会找你麻烦。

    There will always be valuable goods you can buy with these currencies and the relevant governments will not mess you around .

  30. 第四,货币用来表现商品的未来价值,或明确债权债务关系,执行支付手段职能。

    Fourth , money as a standard of deferred payments performs the function of establishing a future value or obligation in definitive terms .