
  • 网络World Reserve Currency;Global reserve currency
  1. 美国相较于其他发达国家,毕竟有着自己得天独厚的优势:年轻的人口结构,勇于创新的经济环境,以及目前来看仍旧是世界储备货币的美元。

    It still has huge advantages over other rich countries : a younger , less-taxed population , a more innovative economy and , for now at least , the dollar as the global reserve currency .

  2. 与此同时,今年早些时候,中国央行行长在全球外汇市场引发一阵波动。他提议,用IMF的货币单位特别提款权(SDR)取代美元,作为世界储备货币。

    Meanwhile , earlier this year , China 's central bank governor caused a stir in global currency markets when he proposed replacing the US dollar as the world 's reserve currency with Special Drawing Rights , the IMF 's unit of account .

  3. 那么关于美元作为世界储备货币对美国的利益又有哪些呢?

    But what about the benefits to the US of reserve currency status ?

  4. 对美元世界储备货币地位的质疑声不断也在削弱着美元汇率。

    Also gnawing at the dollar is continuing chatter about its role as the world 's reserve currency .

  5. 美元不再是世界储备货币的那一天就要到来了。

    The time is going to come when the dollar is not the world 's reserve currency any more .

  6. 至于美国,美元是世界储备货币,我们可以享受开动钞票印刷机带来的好处。

    As for the U.S. , the dollar is the reserve currency and we have the benefit of printing money .

  7. 以美元这一世界储备货币为中心的货币系统正摇摇欲坠,真有点自作自受的意味。

    The regime of which the dollar is the centerpiece , in its role as the world 's reserve currency , is now teetering .

  8. 美元的世界储备货币地位增加了美国的借款,削弱了美国财政部进行自身融资的能力,这种削弱程度比失去美元的储备货币地位更为严重。

    Reserve status increases US borrowing , and thus undermines the ability of the US Treasury to finance itself cheaply more than would losing reserve status .

  9. 除了欧元有机会在未来的十年上升为世界储备货币外,全球还没有其他货币可以像美元一样具有可以满足全球经济的需求的必要特征。

    With the exception perhaps of the euro , which may emerge in the next decade , no other currency has the necessary characteristics to allow it plausibly to serve the needs of the global economy .

  10. 在1965年时,瓦勒里·季斯卡·德斯坦还是法国财政部部长,当时他抱怨到作为世界储备货币发行国的美国,享有者一种“嚣张的特权”。

    Jan 20th 2011 | from PRINT EDITION IN 1965 Val é ry Giscard d'Estaing , then France 's finance minister , complained that America , as the issuer of the world 's reserve currency , enjoyed " an exorbitant privilege . "

  11. 这些原因说明美元凭借其持久的吸引力作为世界主要储备货币。

    These reasons not to like the dollar are trumped by its enduring appeal as the world 's reserve currency .

  12. 欧元这种新币种自诞生以来,普遍受到人们的关注,其存在对于世界主要储备货币和结算贷币美元来说是个重大挑战。

    Euro has attracted people 's attention as a new currency since it came into being . Its existence is a major challenge to the main reservation currencies and currencies of settlement in the world .

  13. 随着美国经济复苏前景转好,作为世界主要储备货币的美元与股票等风险资产一同上涨,美元贸易加权汇率过去5周来已累计上升4.5%,与此同时,欧元、英镑和日元全都走低。

    On a trade-weighted basis , the world 's foremost reserve currency has marched 4.5 per cent higher over the past five weeks - gaining with relatively risky assets such as equities as US recovery prospects have brightened - while the euro , sterling and yen have all retreated .

  14. 美国将为焦虑的投资者的首选的投资点,只要美元仍然是世界上主要储备货币。

    Americawill be the first port of call for anxious investors for as long as it remains the world 's main reserve currency .