
shì jiè zhǔ yì zhě
  • cosmopolitan
  1. JoUsmar是《世界主义者》的作者,也是本书《生活方式》系列的合著者。

    Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series of lifestyle books .

  2. 什么叫做“世界主义者”?

    What on earth is cosmopolitan ?

  3. 世界主义者和当地人显示出有不同程度的影响力。

    Cosmopolitans and locals were shown to have different degrees of influence .

  4. 无论是热心的世界主义者也好,还是疯狂的阴谋论者也好,都相信:根本不存在什么世界政府。

    No matter what ardent cosmopolitans or crazed conspiracy theorists believe , there is no world government .

  5. 《世界主义者》月刊的主编海伦-格利-布朗总是在办公桌上放一本自己办的杂志。

    Helen Gurley Brown , editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan , always keeps an issue of the magazine on her desk .

  6. 《世界主义者》月刊的主编海伦·格利·布朗总是在办公桌上放一本自己办的杂志。

    Helen Gurley Brown , editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan , always keeps an issue of the magazine on her desk .

  7. 乌拉圭首都和最大城市;是一个世界主义者城市和南美洲最繁忙的港口。

    The capital and largest city of Uruguay ; a cosmopolitan city and one of the busiest ports in South America .

  8. 我不以世界主义者自居,那对我意味着:除了自己的祖国以外,要对每一个国家有礼。

    I do not set up for being a cosmopolite , which to my mind signify is polite to every country except your own .

  9. 然则,我要论争的是,热爱自己国家的冲动,以及超越国别界限而成为世界主义者的冲动,这两者确实可以并存。

    I would contend , however , that the impulse toward loving one 's own country and the impulse toward transcending national boundaries to be cosmopolitan can indeed co-exist .

  10. 这次独特的自杀预防会议承诺成为一次动态的有教育意义的活动,在同样精彩的特拉维夫中充满有特色的世界主义者和积极的气氛。

    This unique suicide prevention conference promises to be a dynamic and educational event in the equally exciting surrounds of Tel Aviv-Jaffa with its distinctive cosmopolitan and energetic atmosphere .

  11. 在基础理论的研究之后,本文研究了罗尔斯国际正义论的演变历程,并指出罗尔斯与世界主义者的核心分歧:即对全球范围内最小受惠者的关切度不同。

    After the discussion , the directions of research are mainly about the transition of this theory and the core differences between Rawls and cosmopolitan within the scope of the different degrees of concern about the minimum beneficiaries .