
hé pínɡ zhǔ yì
  • Pacifism
  1. 他没有掩饰他的和平主义立场。

    He didn 't hide his pacifism .

  2. 事实上,安倍晋三的外交政策与日本的目标是一致的,即逐步告别二战后宪法强加的和平主义,增加日本的国际影响力。前任日本首相小泉纯一郎(JunichiroKoizumi)也追寻这一目标。

    Mr Abe 's foreign policy is in fact consistent with the Japanese goal , also pursued by his predecessor Junichiro Koizumi , of increasing Tokyo 's influence abroad by moving steadily away from the constitutionally imposed pacifism that has prevailed since the end of the second world war .

  3. 战时他的和平主义思想派不上用场。

    During the war his pacifist leanings were not helpful .

  4. 后来他就变成了一位知名的和平主义者。

    Later he was to become famous as a pacifist .

  5. 范德科尔克的父亲是荷兰皇家壳牌集团(RoyalDutchShell)的高管。尽管他是一名虔诚的新教徒,也是忠实的和平主义者,但盛怒之下他也会在孩子们身上泄愤。

    His father was an executive at Royal Dutch Shell , and despite being a devout Protestant and dedicated pacifist , he suffered violent rages and inflicted them on his children .

  6. 富兰克林·D·罗斯福(FranklinD.Roosevelt)麾下的农业部长和副总统亨利·A·华莱士(HenryA.Wallace)一度食素,也是一名和平主义者。来自艾奥瓦州的华莱士认为,对于陷入贫困的美国农村,鸡是一个救星。

    Henry A. Wallace , a sometime vegetarian pacifist from Iowa who also served as Franklin D. Roosevelt 's agriculture secretary and vice president , argued that the chicken was the savior of poverty-stricken rural Americans .

  7. 从英国的和平主义运动看其绥靖政策

    Exercise . Pacifistic Movement of Britain and its Policy of Appeasement

  8. 他成为一名和平主义者,他变成了一位阻挠战争之人。

    He becomes a pacifist ; he becomes a war resistor .

  9. 日本战后和平主义思想是一具有多义性、规定性的话语体系。

    The post-war pacifism is a prescriptive discourse system with multiple meanings .

  10. 论中国的和平主义发展道路及其世界历史意义

    Reflections on China 's Peaceful Development and Its Significance for World History

  11. 计算机科学先驱者阿兰。图灵不是一名严格意义上的和平主义者;

    The computer science pioneer Alan Turing was not a strict pacifist ;

  12. 和平主义不能解决世界上的问题。

    Pacifism could not solve the problem of the world .

  13. 他不是和平主义者,而是武装中立的鼓吹者。

    He was not a pacifist but an advocate of armed neutrality .

  14. 和平主义是胡适最先认同的国际政治思想。

    Pacifism was the international political thought first recognized by Hu Shi .

  15. 甚至有少数以色列和平主义活动家也住在那里。

    Even a few Israeli peace activists live in settlements .

  16. 毫不做作的和平主义;对前对手的和平的态度。

    Irenic without being namby-pamby ; an irenic attitude toward former antagonists .

  17. 我卖给左翼,也卖给右翼。甚至和平主义者。

    I sell to leftists and rightists . I sell to pacifists ,

  18. 日本的和平主义正是源自战争的残忍。

    Thus was Japan 's pacifism born from the savagery of war .

  19. 他们是和平主义者,并不会参加军事。

    They are pacifists and will not join the military .

  20. 日本宪法的和平主义与现状&从中日友好和亚洲和平的视点考虑

    Pacifism in Japan 's Constitution and Its Present Situation

  21. 理性主义与和平主义为理想主义的产生提供了政治思想上的理论养分。

    The rationalism and pacifism provide basic elements for the appearance of idealism .

  22. 和平主义则反对所有的战争,认为战争与暴力在道德上是错误的。

    Pacifism is against all war , taking war and violence as morally wrong .

  23. 论中国对外政策的和平主义传统

    The Tradition of Pacifism in Chinese Foreign Policy

  24. 成群的和平主义者抗议这场战争。

    Crowds of pacifists protested against the war .

  25. 但巨人们通常都是和平主义者。

    But the giants have always been peaceful .

  26. 上周,苏格兰议会中两名和平主义议员从苏格兰民族党辞职。

    Last week two pacifist members of the Scottish Parliament resigned from the SNP .

  27. 一名叫戈弗雷巴伯的人道主义者和和平主义者。

    A humanitarian and pacifist called Godfrey barber .

  28. 他们是和平主义者,他们知道战争不可能解决任何问题

    Well , they 're pacifists . They understand war doesn 't solve problems .

  29. 艾伦的想法并不是完全的和平主义,

    This was not wholly pacifist in spirit .

  30. 挪威和平主义运动的力量在增强。

    Pacifist movements gathered strength in norway .