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  • 网络Harmony is precious;Harmony is most precious
  1. 夏、商、周三代之礼的变迁为礼之用,和为贵作了历史的铺垫。

    The change of the ceremony of Xia , Shang and Zhou had made the historical preparing for " Harmony is most precious " .

  2. 以和为贵就是说国家之间、族之间、与人之间要以团结互助、好相处为最高境界。

    Harmony is most precious . This means that solidarity , mutual help and friendly co-existence between states , nations and people should be the ultimate pursuit ( highest aspiration ) .

  3. 和为贵。

    Harmony is what matters .

  4. 第一篇是这个,接下来是《和为贵》(PremiumHarmony),它有点雷蒙德·卡佛(RaymondCarver)的感觉。

    So you start with that , and then you move on to " Premium Harmony " - that has a little more of a Raymond Carver feel to it .

  5. 这不仅是因为中国传统的儒家和为贵的精神与ADR非对抗性特征的相耦合,而且是缓解司法危机,建设和谐社会以及奠定当事人主义的需要。

    It is not only due to the coupling between the traditional spirits of Confucian in Chinese society and the characteristic of nonantagonistic of ADR , but due to the requirements of dispelling judicial crisis , building a harmonious society and establishing the theory of ' party-domination .

  6. “礼之用,和为贵”更是做人的基本处世准则。

    " The ritual " idea , with the basic life standard .

  7. 以和为贵的管理智慧及其现代价值研究

    The Thoughts of Management on Chinese Traditional Harmony and Its Modern Values

  8. 而因此,你们就必须既要以和为贵。

    And you must , for that reason , be both peace-loving .

  9. 美国应该学中国的政策“以和为贵”。

    They should study China 's policy of " harmony " instead .

  10. 我国自古就有以和为贵的观念,调解也是解决纠纷的一种重要方式。

    Mediation is an important way to resolve disputes .

  11. 中美贸易争端和为贵

    Resolve the Trade Disputes of China and U.S.A Peacefully

  12. 和为贵是中国传统文化最核心的价值。

    " Harmony is precious " is the kernel of traditional Chinese culture .

  13. 待人以诚,和为贵,要心有善念

    Treat people with sincere heart , the local , want to have good thoughts

  14. “和为贵”系列产品为梦阳茶礼高端产品系列。

    " The idea " series products for dream Yang tea ceremony high-end products series .

  15. 和为贵、中庸之道与武士道精神&关于日本政治文化的思考

    Cherishing the Value of Harmony , Doctrine of the Mean and the Bushido : Reflections

  16. “和为贵”是中国传统文化的根本价值观。

    That " harmony is what matters " is a radical concept in Chinese traditional culture .

  17. 二是提出了“以和为贵”是儒家管理哲学的核心特征;

    The core characteristics of peace ;

  18. 我国深受儒家思想的熏陶,历来都是以和为贵,厌讼心理长期存在。

    The Chinese Confucius edification , mental weariness has always been in the history of our country .

  19. 愿意和同学们一起,探讨投资良策,交流理财心得,万事以和为贵,开心炒股发财。

    Diligence Willing and classmates , investment management experience , good communication and harmony , fry all happy .

  20. 稳定压倒一切,安定团结才能稳步发展,以和为贵,平安就是福。

    Stability overrides everything , can the steady development of stability and unity , peace , and peace is good .

  21. 中国人受传统文化影响较深,而和合文化又是中国传统文化的核心,那么以和为贵的价值观在人们心目中的地位如何?

    The traditional culture has deeply affected the Chinese , and the harmony culture is the core of the Chinese traditional thoughts .

  22. 新加坡的法庭采取主动,使调解制度化,以亚洲人以和为贵的传统化解纠纷。

    The Singapore courts launched an initiative to institutionalise mediation as a way to reclaim our Asian heritage of settling differences harmoniously .

  23. 如面对司法调解,当事人可能会受到个体决策、和为贵以及权威&服从的社会心理的影响。

    For example , when facing judicial mediation , the parties may be affected by individual decision making , harmony-is-precious and authority-obeying .

  24. 但“和为贵”的传统思想与法官职权探知仍对建立证据契约制度有利。

    But the traditional idea of " harmonious is precious " and judge 's authority of inquiry are beneficial to found evidence deed system .

  25. 在远古时代,中国的主要哲学观点是“和为贵”“和谐一致”。

    Since the ancient times , China 's prevailing philosophy has been one that preaches " peace is most precious "," harmony without uniformity " .

  26. 孔子及其弟子曾提出的和为贵与中庸等著名的思想观念在我国及全世界产生了很大影响。

    Confucius and his disciples proposed peacefulness and the doctrine of the Mean , which had aroused sensational attention in the whole China and globe .

  27. “和为贵”、“和而不同”的思想对于解决今天所面临的各种矛盾和冲突仍具有指导意义。

    This concept , together with " harmony but not uniformity ", is still of instructional significance in resolving a variety of contradictions and conflicts of today .

  28. 调解以法、礼之道求中庸的核心理念,体现了传统儒家文化追求自然秩序和谐的理想,如和为贵、知和而和等。

    Using the rules and courtesy as the core conception , intermediation reflects the traditional Confucian culture , the pursuit of the ideal of a harmonious natural order .

  29. “礼之用,和为贵”是儒家文化的价值定位,“致中和”是和谐观追求的理想境界。

    " Harmony is what matters " is valuable fixed position of the Chinese Confucianists culture ," pursuing neutralization " is the ideal state pursued by the harmonious view .

  30. 中华文明历来崇尚和为贵、和而不同,己所不欲、勿施于人。

    The Chinese civilization cherishes peace and advocates maintaining harmony while allowing for difference and that never do to others what you would not like them to do to you .