
  • 网络Hoa Binh;hoa binh province
  1. 动乱已经波及了以前和平安宁的省分。

    Instability has spread to a number of previously benign provinces .

  2. 绿色和平组织通过在省政府的网站上查找许可证的审批信息,来跟踪中国拟建的煤电产能。

    Greenpeace tracked China 's proposed capacity by examining provincial websites for permit approvals .

  3. 强中缅边境的管控对于维护缅甸的安全和平、维护云南省的安全和平都具有重要意义。”因此加强管理中缅边界是维护缅甸及中国云南省和平稳定的关键。

    This has led to the situation where China is maintaining control of the border on its side , while on the other side of Myanmar , conflicts and frictions occur Therefore , strengthening the control of the China-Myanmar border is crucial to peace and stability in Myanmar as well as in China 's Yunnan province .