
  • 网络Fairmont Peace Hotel;Peaceful Restaurant;The Peace Hotel
  1. 当地修建专家表示,如果项目取得成功,更名后的费尔蒙和平饭店(fairmontpeacehotel)具备商业可行性,可能会鼓励人们进一步保护旧上海风貌。

    If the project succeeds , and the renamed Fairmont peace hotel becomes a commercially viable property , it could encourage more preservation of old Shanghai , according to local restoration experts .

  2. 面对全球经济危机和上海豪华酒店泛滥,和平饭店采取了中国人典型的蔑视态度,定于明年3月作为豪华酒店重张营业,由具有历史声望的酒店运营商费尔蒙(fairmont)管理。

    In typically Chinese defiance of both the global economic crisis and a glut of Shanghai luxury hotel rooms , the peace hotel is to reopen in March as a luxury hostelry , managed by Fairmont , the historic hotel operator .

  3. 和平饭店总经理纳马尼(KamalNaamani)说,这根本不是壁和地板的事。他来上海前曾在迪拜经营一家费尔蒙酒店。

    ' It 's not all about the walls and the floors , 'said the general manager , Kamal Naamani , who previously ran a Fairmont hotel in Dubai .

  4. 你好,和平饭店。我能为您效劳吗?

    Hi , Peace Restaurant . Can I help you ?

  5. 我想回宾馆,和平饭店。

    I want to return to my hotel , the peace hotel .

  6. 坐55路公共汽车,到和平饭店下车。

    Take bus No.55 , and get off at the Peace Hotel .

  7. 下午六点从和平饭店有大巴前往。

    Buses are available and leave at6 : p.m from the Peace Hotel .

  8. 我用外汇券交完费,返回和平饭店。

    I paid with Foreign Exchange Certificates , and returned to the Peace Hotel .

  9. 我没法打通和平饭店,通话中。

    I can 't reach the Peace Hotel , there 's a busy signal .

  10. 地质雷达技术在和平饭店南楼基础检测中的应用

    The Application of Geology Radar Technology in Shanghai Peace Hotel ( south ) Foundation Detection

  11. 与和平饭店原有建筑相连的新建部分,内设拥有通透天棚的游泳池和蔚柳溪水疗。

    A new extension to the building will house a sky-lit swimming pool and a Willow Stream Spa .

  12. 他说:和平饭店属于国家,而不属于上海、锦江,或外国投资者。

    The Peace Hotel belongs to the state , not to Shanghai , not to Jin Jiang and not to foreign investors , he says .

  13. 从拉力克艺术玻璃剃须镜,到风格各异的“九国特色套房”从印度、英国、中国到德国、法国和意大利,和平饭店令上海在上世纪30年代名噪一时。

    From its Lalique glass shaving mirrors to its opulent " nine nations suites " from Indian , Georgian and Chinese to German , French and Italian the hotel helped make Shanghai famous in the 1930s .