
hé jú
  • drawn game;draw;tie
和局 [hé jú]
  • (1) [drawn game]∶ [比赛] 不分胜负的结局

  • (2) [tie]∶ [竞赛] 相等的得分数

和局[hé jú]
  1. 比赛以和局结束。

    The game ended in a draw [ tie ] .

  2. 好多打赌的人要求算是和局,因为他们得上码头去干活,把麻袋装的糖装上船,或者上哈瓦那煤行去工作。

    Many of the bettors had asked for a draw because they had to go to work on the docks loading sacks of sugar or at the Havana Coal Company .

  3. 三盘棋有两盘是和局。

    Two of the three chess games ended in draws .

  4. 对于投资系统中的多准则决策问题,本文应用效用理论和局部分级技术构造了一种新的决策方法(MD)。

    We give a new method ( MD ) by using utility theory and decomposing locally to solve multiple criteria decision problems arising from investment system in this paper .

  5. 结论对于临床有颅内高压和局灶神经功能缺损表现,尤其是产褥期或有感染者,应警惕颅内静脉系统血栓形成,需行头颅CT和MR检查确诊,并尽早抗凝治疗。

    CT and MRI examinations were helpful in the diagnosis . Conclusion For patients who present both intracranial hypertension and focal neurological defects , especially during the puerperium or with infection episodes , CT and MRI examinations should be performed to detect intracranial venous thrombosis .

  6. 结论3DCRT可以提高肿瘤局部剂量和局控率,HCPT使放疗增敏,二者结合,是有效治疗NSCLC的方法。

    Conclusions 3DCRT can improve local dose of tumor and the local control rate . HCPT can increase radiosensibility , and it is an important treatment of NSCLC with 3DCRT combined HCPT .

  7. 你已经和局里谈过了吧。

    So you 've been speaking to the Bureau execs .

  8. 合并区,通常是葡萄干色,小叶性的和局灶性的。

    The consolidated areas were usually plum colored , lobular , and localized .

  9. 合理设置网络参数和局数据

    Reasonable set up network parameters and office data

  10. 正是因为你和局里的关系,你才是最合适的人选。

    You 're the right guy precisely because of your history with the department .

  11. 呼和局煤炭运输应急物流中心选址研究

    Study on the Location Planning of Coal Emergency Logistics Center in Hohhot Railway Bureau

  12. 是否确定要和局?走棋后将和局。

    Are you sure you want to offer a draw ? The draw will be offered after your move .

  13. 文中叙述了监控系统的网络结构、传输方式和局(站)监控对象、监控内容的设计应用。

    This paper recites the network configuration , transmission modes and the design application of monitoring objects , contents of monitoring system .

  14. 试验结果表明,随着端板刚度的增加,钢管混凝土的局压力学性能越来越接近全截面受压的情况,截面形状和局压面积比的不同会使端板刚度的影响规律产生差异。

    From the results , the local compression behaviors approach to the full section compression case as the rigidity increases . The difference of the section form and local compression area ratio can make the influence of the end plates different .

  15. 结果表明:在室温时,铸造双相不锈钢在整个均匀塑性变形和局集塑性变形过程中形变强化共分4个阶段,不同的取样部位导致颈缩点分布在不同形变强化阶段;

    The results showed that the course of mechanical-hardening of casting γ + α double phase stainless steel was divided into four stages during the whole uniform and localized necking plastic deformation and the necking points of samples from different location distribute in different stages of mechanical-hardening at room temperature ;

  16. 他住在和警察局相隔三个街区的公寓里。

    His apartment is three blocks away from the police station .

  17. 在部门总部和警察局之间连有警报器。

    An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters .

  18. 中国海警局4月20日与生态环境部、交通运输部、国家林业和草原局联合启动为期7个月的“碧海2021”海洋生态环境保护专项执法行动。

    The China Coast Guard on April 20 launched a special law enforcement campaign coded " Blue Sea 2021 to enhance marine Administration . It will run for seven months .

  19. 结论MRI在前列腺检查中,具有早期诊断和准确局部分期的重要价值。

    Conclusion MRI is much valuable in the early diagnosing and accurate local staging of prostatic carcinoma .

  20. 例如,XDSL技术需要在电话线的用户端和电话局端安装像modem那样新型装置。

    For example , XDSL technology requires new modem-like devices on both the user and the phone company end of the line .

  21. 隶属于国家海洋和大气局(NOAA)的美国气候预测中心称,拉尼娜现象将持续至今年春季。

    CPC is an office under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ) . The body said La Nina will last into spring of this year .

  22. 昨日,这场辩论的各利益方向负责经济刺激事务的白宫行政管理和预算局(OMB)递交了书面意见。

    Yesterday all groups with a stake in the debate submitted their written comments to the OMB , the White House department handling the stimulus .

  23. 著名的联邦法官RichardPosner,一个对美国专利制度的直言不讳的批评者,甚至建议国家的专利和商标局被赋予听证专利纠纷的工作以及处理更广范围工作的足够资源。

    A well-known federal judge , Richard Posner , an outspoken critic of America 's patent system , has even suggested that the country 's Patent and Trademark Office be given the job of hearing patent disputes-and sufficient resources to handle a wider remit .

  24. 我想知道是否只有财会部门的工作人员才和税务局接触?

    I wonder whether only accountants can contact the taxes bureau .

  25. 国际纺织品贸易协定国际纺织品和服装局

    Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles International Textiles and Clothing Bureau

  26. 封锁的话,让我们和交通局谈。

    You need to consult us and the transit agency , too .

  27. 你们会和电信局同时收到。

    And just as fast as Western Union gets them .

  28. 年轻时,他当过店主和邮电局局长。

    As a young man , he was a storekeeper and postmaster .

  29. 医院和警察局也深受影响。

    Hospitals and police stations have been severely affected .

  30. 市政厅和警察局也遭到破坏

    The town hall and the police department had also suffered direct hits ,