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  1. 他不得不在付房租和买食品之间作出决定。

    He had to toss up between paying the rent or buying food .

  2. JustinBrown是本笃会修道院的一名修士,他依靠制造和买简单的木棺材来补贴他那微薄的收入.但是路易斯安那州董事会的尸体防腐和丧礼董事命令他“停止”这种做法。

    Justin Brown is an abbot at a Benedictine abbey that supplements its meagre income by making and selling simple wooden coffins . But the Louisiana Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors has ordered him to " cease and desist . "

  3. 剩下的钱她用来吃饭和买一些自己喜欢的东西。

    The rest she had for food and her own whims .

  4. 她得在付账和买食品之间选择

    and I had choosed between paying for that and buying food

  5. 要利用超级市场特价和买一送一的机会去购物。

    Take advantage of special offers and BOGOFs in supermarkets .

  6. 他靠收集和买(易拉)罐为生。

    He makes a living by collecting and selling cans .

  7. 我们买个蛋糕和买些面条吧。

    Let 's buy a cake and some noodles .

  8. 你现在想过逛逛和买一些中国玩具吗?

    Would you like to go shopping now and buy some Chinese toys ?

  9. 他锁上了门和买东西去了

    " He locked the door and went shopping "

  10. 租店面和买一些基本设备

    for the real estate and the basic equipment ...

  11. 消费者开始削减支出和买便宜货。

    Consumers are cutting back and hunting for bargains .

  12. 和买一个木棺呀。

    And to buy wood for a coffin .

  13. 出卖人和买受人都不得擅自转售标的物,否则都属于无权处分。

    Neither the seller nor the buyer has the right to resale the object .

  14. 她喜欢购物和买衣服,而我向来吝啬。

    She loved to shop and buy clothes , while I tendedto pinch pennies .

  15. 整个国家便出售和买。

    Does that whole Nation sell & buy .

  16. 我通常看电视和买东西。

    Usually I watch TV and go shopping .

  17. 那只足够用来交学费和买书,但维持不了食宿。

    There was enough to cover school and books , but not enough for room and board .

  18. 你也可以观看迪斯尼电影,在迪斯尼饭店吃饭和买迪斯尼礼物。

    You can also watch Disney movies , eat in Disney restaurants , and buy Disney gifts .

  19. 实业家们把他们赚到的钱存入外国银行,而不是投资盖新工厂和买新机器。

    Instead of putting money into new plant and machinery , the businessmen had stashed their earnings abroad .

  20. 第二,我们个人买债券和买债券基金的区别是什么。

    Secondly , we have to buy individual bonds and bond funds to buy what is the difference .

  21. 当你考虑到这一点,你会发现,这种商业模式和买保险是截然相反的。

    When you think about it , that 's kind of like the opposite of how insurance works .

  22. 你交的朋友远比你的工作和买的东西要重要。

    The people you make friends with are so much more important than your job or the things you buy .

  23. 你饮食和买菜习惯的一些简单的改变都可以为气候变化带来积极的影响。

    Some simple changes to your diet and food purchasing habits could really have a positive impact on Climate Change .

  24. 于2011年1月推出的微信,现在可以让用户发送包含图片的信息,玩游戏和买机票。

    Founded in January 2011 , WeChat now lets users send image-laden messages , play games and buy plane tickets .

  25. 哈利、书斯莱一家和买的东西都要用飞路粉运回陋居。

    where Harry , the Weasleys , and all their shopping would be traveling back to the Burrow using Floo powder .

  26. 这和买衣服买车是同样的道理,货比三家。

    It 's like trying on a new shirt or buying a new car . You don 't look at just one item .

  27. 买股票实际上和买债券很相似,只是现金流更多变、更不确定。

    In effect , buying a share of stock is similar to buying a bond , but with more variable and uncertain cash flows .

  28. 除此之外,大多数其他的工作都享受不到我们的额外福利&令人羡慕的口腔保健计划和买药膏的员工折扣!

    Besides that , most other jobs can 't touch the perks & an amazing dental plan and a staff discount on tooth paste .

  29. 如果你所有的钱都用来吃饭、付房费和买衣物,囤积棉花棒确实没有太多的吸引力。

    If all your money is going to food , shelter and clothing , stocking up on cotton swabs just doesn 't have much appeal .

  30. 在他念大学时,没钱吃饭和买书,是几个好朋友伸出援手,帮他渡过难关,他永远铭记在心。

    When he was at college and had no money for food or books many of his friends helped him out and he never forgot that .