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  • 网络Zhou Bangyan;Chou Pang-yen
  1. 周邦彦词的历史地位及对后世的影响

    The Historical Status & Effect of Zhou Bang-yan 's Ci

  2. 周邦彦的咏物词历来人们评价不一,仁者见仁,智者见智。

    There are different comments on Zhou 's words describing objects because different people have different ideas .

  3. 论江西派文学思想对周邦彦词创作的影响

    On the Influence of Literary Thought of Jiangxi School on the Creation of Zhou Bang-yan 's Ci

  4. “沉郁顿挫”这个词用来评杜甫诗的风格和周邦彦词之风格是恰当的。

    The phrase Depressed and Pause and Transition is used to appraise the style of Dufus 's and Zhou Bangyan 's poetry .

  5. 柳永、秦观、周邦彦是北宋慢词发展进程中的三位有代表性的作家,他们的词作分别体现了慢词从初创到走向典雅这一进程中的不同特征。

    Their works have respectively embodied the different characteristics of the Long Poem in the process form elementary creation to the elegant creation .

  6. 北宋的词人辈出,如晏殊、欧阳修、柳永、苏轼、秦观、周邦彦等等。

    The most prominent poets are Ouyang Xiu , Yan Shu , Liu Yong , Su Shi , Qin Guan and Zhou Bangyan etc.

  7. 近年来,随着词学研究的深入,有关周邦彦及其词的研究也呈现纷繁的面貌。

    In recent years , with the development of Ci , the research about Zhou Bang-yan and his Ci presented the numerous and complicated face .

  8. 并且通过与《西平乐》的比照,辨明了已成定论的周邦彦梦中得《瑞鹤仙》词的讹误。

    Combined with a comparison with Xi Ping Le , it shatters the rumor of the Ci entitled Rui He Xian composed in dreams by Zhou Bangyan .

  9. 秦观与周邦彦是词坛上颇具代表性的两位言情大家,二人恋情词作风格相近,皆偏于婉约;本源相同,皆远绍花间、尊前,近取柳永。

    Qin Guan and Zhou Bang-yan are quite representative CI with two love everyone , two love words for the style is similar , is partial to the graceful ; the same is far source , Shao flowers , respect for the former , nearly took Liu Yong .