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  1. 周静,现为中央音乐学院作曲系博士生,师从叶小钢教授。

    Zhou Jing is studying doctor degree with Professor Xiaogang Ye in Central Conservatory of Music .

  2. 周静等.井下储存式电子压力计的软件设计.测井技术,1994,18(4):281~287论述小功耗井下储存式电子压力计测试系统的组成及系统软件工作原理。

    The hardware configuration and software operating principle of the downhole storage electronic pressure meter are given in this paper .

  3. 之所以选择这套服装,我只是想找到一个更好的方式来合影留念,没想到照片竟如此受欢迎。周静说。

    " I just wanted to have a good way to remember wearing the costume , and had never thought our pictures would become popular ," Zhou said .

  4. 这个夏天,周静(音译)就要拿到南京师范大学金陵女子学院的学士学位了,她决定穿一身1911-1949年时的学生装拍毕业照。

    Zhou Jing , a female student who will receive a diploma from Ginling College of Nanjing Normal University this summer , decided to pose for her graduation photos wearing a costume students often wore between 1911 and 1949 .