
  1. 孙俪在剧中扮演女主周莹。

    Leading actress Sun Li played Zhou in the drama .

  2. 《那年花开月正圆》《那年花开月正圆》并非改编自小说,而是基于真实人物女商人周莹的故事拍摄的。

    The TV drama is not based on a novel but the story of a real businesswoman Zhou Ying .

  3. 该剧因为爱情戏份太多,对周莹奋斗的故事描写太少而受到批评,其豆瓣评分为7.2分。

    The drama got 7.2 points on Douban , receiving criticism for having too much romance and too few of Zhou 's struggles .

  4. 虽然孙俪是1982年生人,但在许多观众眼中,她仍然成功塑造了一个可爱天真的少女周莹。

    Despite her age , Sun , who was born in 1982 , still successfully presented a lovely and innocent teenage Zhou in the eyes of many audience members .