
chén fànɡ
  • display;set out;lay out
陈放 [chén fàng]
  • [display] 陈列放置

  • 展厅里陈放着各种新型电子仪器

  1. 条案上陈放着香炉、烛台和各色供品。

    On the long narrow table were set out an incense burner , candlesticks , and offerings of all kinds .

  2. 冷藏肉制品和冷冻肉制品在储藏、运输和陈放期间要求冷链不间断,而货架寿命并不长。

    Chilled and frozen meat products require an uninterrupted cold chain during storage , transportation and display and have a short shelf life .

  3. 这种酒是用栎木酒桶陈放的。

    The wine is aged in oak casks .

  4. 爸爸的工作台上盖了一块布,他的灵枢就陈放在那儿。

    My father 's working bench was covered with a cloth and his coffin was laid there

  5. 那家美术馆的问题是好作品太多,大多数作品无处陈放。

    The art gallery 's problem is an embarrassment of riches , with nowhere to put most of them .

  6. 而它的LeifErikssonis(莱夫·埃里克松)是在百分之百的美国橡木桶里陈放的。

    Its Leif Erikssonis aged in 100 percent American oak barrels .

  7. 于空气中陈放10个月后,样品中BaAl2O4的衍射峰强度显著下降,而BaCO3的衍射峰明显增强。

    For the samples aged in air for 10 months , the peak intensities of BaCO 3 increase and BaAl 2O 4 decrease obviously .

  8. 我经常在验尸所见到陈放着淹死者的尸体。

    I have often seen drowned men laid out at the morgue .

  9. 试验结果表明:不同的软化工艺条件对应不同的陈放时间。

    It comes to the conclusion that different depositing time corresponds with different softening condition .

  10. 陈放时间和灰木比对快速固化水泥刨花板性能的影响

    Effects of assembly time and cement / wood ratio on properties of quick-curing cement particle board

  11. 十分出色的酒,陈放五年后饮用最佳。

    It is an excellent wine , and best to taste if stored for five years .

  12. 它在波罗的海一艘沉船遗骸上陈放了150余年。

    It spent more than 150 years maturing in a shipwreck at the bottom of the Baltic Sea .

  13. 为解决这个问题,他们会首先酿造第一批朗贝克啤酒,然后将它们陈放六个月。

    To fix it , they brew a batch of lambic and then age it for six months .

  14. 研究了不同软化工艺条件下,弯曲木材试件的尺寸稳定性与陈放时间的关系。

    The article studies the relations between dimensional stability of curing samples and depositing time in different softening condition .

  15. 综述:这是一款极易上口的莎瑞斯,单宁如丝般柔顺,可以马上饮用,也有5年的陈放潜力以获得更加复杂的味觉享受。

    Overall : An easy-going Shiraz with soft silky tannins allowing immediate accessibility yet potential to develop further complexity for up to5 years .

  16. 结果表明:①混合物料的陈放时间对硅酸钠为添加剂的水泥刨花板性能的影响是显著的。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Assembly time has a distinct effect on the properties of cement particle board with sodium silicate as addivive ;

  17. 本文探讨了用马尾松树皮胶压制室外型胶合板时,不同部位的树皮、不同增强剂、增强剂用量、单板涂胶后的陈放时间、热压压力等因素对胶合强度的影响。

    This paper describes the effects of various barks , reinforcing resins , keeping-time after lay-up and pressure on the bonding strength of plywood made from Masson pine bark adhesive .