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  • 网络Chen Xiaohua;Rachel;Hsiao-Hwa Chen
  1. 农业部副部长陈晓华近日称,全国返乡创业人数超过570万。

    More than 5.7 million rural Chinese have returned from cities to their hometowns to start businesses , Vice Minister of Agriculture Chen Xiaohua said .

  2. 此外,陈晓华还表示,过去居住在城镇的科学家和技术人员等约130万的城市人口,选择了来到了农村地区下乡创业。

    Meanwhile , rural China has attracted 1.3 million urban people , including scientists and technicians , from their homes in cities to participate in rural entrepreneurship , Chen said .

  3. 《上海证券报》周六援引农业部副部长陈晓华的话说,未来五年中国面临巨大的农产品供应压力。

    China faces pressure in ensuring farm product supply meets demand over the next five years , Shanghai Securities News reported Saturday , citing Chen Xiaohua , vice agricultural minister .

  4. 陈晓华表示,其中450万人是曾在城市打工的农民工,其余主要是刚毕业的大学生和退伍军人。

    Among them , 4.5 million people are rural migrant workers who used to work in urban areas , while the rest are mainly fresh graduates and retired soldiers , said Chen .

  5. 陈晓华表示,此举还旨在引导人们回到农村,因为在城市寻求工作的成年人在家里留下了许多的孩子和老人。他还表示,初创企业将带来更多的新增就业。

    The move also aims to trigger a return of people to the countryside , where many children and elderly are left at home by adults who sought work in cities , Chen said , adding that the new startups will bring more new jobs .