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  1. 以绿原酸为底物,PPO活性新红星最高,其次是富士和金冠,王林最低。

    Taking chlorogenic acid as substrate , the fruit with the highest PPO activity was Starkrimson followed by Fuji and Golden Delicious .

  2. 日前,一组展示阿里巴巴创始人兼前CEO、亿万富翁马云前往江西芦溪县拜访王林的照片引发网友的声讨。

    Photos showing Ma Yun ( Jack Ma ), the billionaire founder and ex-CEO of the Alibaba Group , visiting Wang , in Luxi county , Jiangxi province has sparked revulsion online .

  3. 李明讲英语和王林讲得一样流利。

    Li Ming speaks English as fluently as Wang Lin does .

  4. 我觉得王林这样做只是出于好奇。

    I believe Wang Lin was just acting out of curiosity .

  5. 在王林的房间里你能看到什么?

    What can you see in Wang Lin 's room ?

  6. 王林因此受到惩罚对大家应该是个很好的教训。

    Wang Lin 's punishment should come as a lesson .

  7. 我想我们没见过。我叫王林。

    I don 't think we 've net . I 'm Wang Lin.

  8. 有人打电话找王林,你不应说。

    Wang lan , somebody is looking for you on the phone .

  9. 王林是篮球队的队长。

    Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team .

  10. 这儿有个名叫王林的人吗?

    Is there anyone here whose name is Wang Lin ?

  11. 然而王林争辩说他并非有意侮辱老师。

    But Wang argued that he hadn 't meant to insult his teacher .

  12. 李明的年龄和王林的年龄一样。

    Li Ming is the same age as Wang Lin.

  13. 李明没有王林年龄大。

    Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin.

  14. 这也许是杨林川最后一次见到王林诗。

    It might be the last time Mr. Yang would see his friend .

  15. 王林和李平都站起来了。

    Wang Lin and Li Ping both stood up .

  16. 王林的妈妈告诉我们他已经离开上海了。【正】王林的妈妈告诉我们他已经去上海了。

    Wang Lin 's mother told us that he had left for Shanghai .

  17. 李明工作比王林卖力。

    Li Ming workers harder than Wang Lin does .

  18. 王林去年常去钓鱼。

    Wang Lin used to go fishing last year .

  19. 但王林的同龄人却不认为他应受重罚。

    But Wang 's peers didn 't think he deserved a strong punishment .

  20. 我叫王林,来自中国北京。

    I am Wang Lin from Beijing , China .

  21. 这是中国建筑工人,王林。

    This is a Chinese builder , Wang Lin.

  22. 最后,他的同班同学王林第一个到达了终点。

    At last , their classmate , Wang Lin passed the finishing line first .

  23. 那封信已由王林写好。

    The letter has been written by Wang Lin.

  24. 王林是个中国男孩。

    Wang Lin was a Chinese boy .

  25. 王林的爸爸是一位心理学家。

    Wanglin 's father is a psychologist .

  26. 汉意是:王林坐在第四排。

    Wang Lin is in row four .

  27. 王林非常沮丧。

    Wang Lin was very sad .

  28. 首届重庆青年美术双年展的成功举办,让王林教授几年的努力成为现实。

    The sucuss of the1st Chongqing Youth Art Biennale made Professor Wanglin 's dream come true .

  29. 王林很受大家欢迎。

    Wang Lin is very popular .

  30. 为了研究它们在苹果花青苷代谢途径中所发挥的作用,将这三个基因分别转化拟南芥和王林愈伤组织鉴定其功能。

    To characterize their functions , they were genetically transformed into Arabidopsis and apple callus , respectively .