
  1. 王建华,你妈妈喊你回家吃饭。

    Wang Jianhua , your mom wants you to go home for dinner .

  2. 辩证思维方法的成功实践&王建华等专著《现代汉语语境研究》评析

    Successful Application of Dialectical Way of Thinking : Appreciation of On the Context of Modern Chinese

  3. 重庆家政协会秘书长王建华表示,成为一名专业的家政人员并不像人们想的那么简单。

    According to Wang Jianhua , secretary general of Chongqing Home Service Association , being a professional homemaker is not as easy as many people think .

  4. 本文认为,王建华、周明强、盛爱萍三位先生合著的《现代汉语语境研究》一书在国内的语境研究中独树一帜。

    Wang Jianhua , Zhou Mingqiang and Sheng Aiping have created an unique method in China 's context study in their newly published book On the Context of Modern Chinese .