
  • 网络Wang Xiaodong;Dong Wang
  1. 前德克萨斯大学(UniversityofTexas)生物医学教授王晓东创办了生物科技公司百济神州(BeiGene),该公司上月在纳斯达克筹得1.58亿美元,用于加快4种很有前景的抗癌药物的研发。

    BeiGene , a company founded by Xiaodong Wang , former professor of biomedical science at the University of Texas , last month raised $ 158m on Nasdaq to accelerate development of four promising cancer drugs .

  2. 事件缘起自11月19日,北京电视台前台长王晓东因患肝癌逝世。

    Wang , the former head of BTV , died of liver cancer on Nov 19 .

  3. 王晓东在接受美国《时代杂志》采访的时候承认,书之所以取这样的名字是一个计谋。

    Wang Xiaodong confessed in an interview with the US ''Time magazine that the book ' 's title is a bit of a ruse .

  4. 此举被指是在影射因病去世的王晓东。尽管大约4小时后,郭德纲删除了这条颇具争议性的微博。但此事还是引起了他微博上5500多万粉丝们的热议。

    The comedian deleted the controversial post about four hours later , but not before it sparked much discussion among his more than 55 million followers .

  5. 王晓东提示说,书名确实用了点策略:“老实说,“中国不高兴”这些字眼就是想促进销量。

    " To be frank , those words in the title " Unhappy China " are just for the purpose of promoting the book in the marketplace ," he says .

  6. 这是一所特殊的学校,小学里仅有的三位老师是父亲王进程、母亲汪秀珍(校长)和儿子王晓东。

    This is a special school with only three teachers : father , Wang Jincheng , mother , Wang Xiuzhen ( the headmaster ) and their son , Wang Xiaodong .

  7. 近日,中国广播电视协会公开谴责著名相声演员郭德纲在北京电视台台长王晓东因病去世时,在微博上发布的不当言论。

    The Radio and Television Association of China has condemned a popular comedian after comments he made online about the death of a former head of television station Beijing TV .

  8. 王晓东博士2004年被评为美国科学院院士,并获得多项国际生物研究奖项,其中包括2006年的“邵逸夫生命科学与医学奖”。

    A recipient of numerous international biological research awards including the Shaw Prize in Life Sciences and Medicine in2006 , he was elected to the National Academy of Science , USA in2004 .