
  1. 他补充表示,王勇在庭审中否认了侵犯商业秘密罪的指控。

    He added that Mr Wang denied the charge of stealing commercial secrets in court .

  2. 火焰王勇退洪水加入我们伟大高贵的猛男

    Fire King avert flood . Join us , O great and noble flaming one .

  3. 90后的王勇认为自己正在经受关于金钱方面的压力。

    Wang Yong , a post-90s salesman , said he is currently experiencing extreme stress over money .

  4. 渴望成为一名教师或银行职员的王勇(音译)在打零工。

    Wang Yong , who aspired to be a teacher or a bank officer , works odd jobs .

  5. 王勇要求当地有关部门尽最大努力搜救幸存人员,将伤亡人数降到最低。

    Wang Yong has ordered local authorities to do their utmost to search for survivors and minimize casualties .

  6. 在此荣幸地向您推荐我的得意门生王勇攻读贵校久负盛名的研究生课程。

    I take great pleasure in recommending Wang Yong , one of my favorite students , for admission into your distinguished graduate program .

  7. 胡士泰的三名下属王勇、葛民强和刘才魁分别判处14年、8年和7年有期徒刑。

    The three subordinates-Chinese nationals Wang Yong , Ge Minqiang and Liu Caikui-were sentenced to 14 , eight and seven years , respectively .

  8. 国务委员王勇负责输油管道爆炸事故的救援工作,他要求尽最大努力搜救幸存人员。

    State Councilor Wang Yong , who is directing rescue work for the oil pipeline blast , has urged maximum efforts to find survivors .

  9. 山东省海岸城市青岛周五上午发生爆炸事故,目前由王勇领导的调查小组已抵达事故现场指导救援工作。

    A team led by Wang was dispatched to direct the blast rescue work in the coastal city of Qingdao in Shandong Province after the explosion occurred on Friday morning .

  10. 据航空公司发言人王勇深称,中国航空公司没有到汤加的商业航班,因此不得不选取一条迂回线路,穿越九个国家,全长达21100公里。

    Air China has no commercial flights to Tonga so it has to take a circuitous route covering a total of21100 kilometres over nine countries , according to airline spokesman Wang yongsheng .

  11. 当喇叭声和汽笛声渐渐消退的时候,王勇说:“我从来没有见过这样的景像&声音震耳欲聋。我可以感到震动了。”

    " I 've never seen anything like this before ," said Wang Yong , as the honking and air horns subsided . " The sound was deafening . I could feel the vibrations . "

  12. 美国贸易代表注重的是不断膨胀的贸易逆差等负面因素,而鲍尔森将从宏观视角与中国沟通,从而扮演一个更具建设性的角色,北京大学教授王勇表示。

    The US trade representative stresses negative factors , such as the swelling trade deficit , while Paulson will play a more constructive role by communicating with China on a macro perspective , said Wang Yong , professor at Peking University .

  13. 国资委新任主任王勇表示,这还为他们提供了向海外市场扩张的资金实力,今年,这些企业三分之一的总利润将来自海外业务。

    It has also provided them with financial firepower to expand into overseas markets and this year about a third of these companies ' total profits will come from business conducted abroad , according to Wang Yong , the new head of Sasac .