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  1. 王亮:所以我称之为商业时代的爱情。

    Wang Liang : So I 'd rather call it business love .

  2. 李明:看,王亮带球突破越过对方几名队员向球门区逼近。

    Li Ming : Look , Wang Liang just broke through several guys to approach their goal .

  3. 辽宁队的王亮是始作俑者,亚泰的唐京是受益者,不过令人诧异的是中国足协对此的默认态度。

    Team Liaoning 's Wang Liang is the setter , Asian peaceful Tang Jing is a beneficiary , but makes the person surprise is the Chinese Soccer association default manner regarding this .

  4. 同年,贾后利用楚王玮杀汝南王亮,后又因玮矫杀亮并不能治理国家,最终贾后专政。

    Shortly afterwards , on Empress Jia'a order , Prince Runan was murdered by Prince Chu whom , in his turn , was put to death by the Empress . Finally Empress Jia 's family took the reign alone .