
  • Fang Li;【人名】Li Fang
  1. 方励说:审查者不喜欢这个。

    The censors hated that , says Fang .

  2. 而方励作为科学家和商人的背景,也许也增加了他对一个变迁国家进行思辩的好奇心。

    And Fang 's background as a scientist and businessman may have enhanced his forensic curiosity about a nation in flux .

  3. 钻机、锤子、低声咒骂这里仿佛是李玉和方励的第二故乡,他们所在的那个人民共和国也在进行紧锣密鼓的重建。

    Drills , hammers , muffled expletives . It must seem a home-from-home for Ms Li and Mr Fang , who come from a People 's Republic also under intensive reconstruction .

  4. 艺术电影老牌制片人方励说,韩寒在影片中对社会现实给予了大量关注,但又没有特意凸显社会现实。

    ' He does pay a lot of attention to social reality in the film , but not deliberately showing it , ' said Mr. Fang , a veteran producer of art-house films .

  5. 该电影的制作人方励在这次网络直播中下跪,并哭诉道:“我希望大家能够在自己的社交平台上帮助宣传《百鸟朝凤》

    Fang Li , a producer of the film , kneeled down in an online broadcast , crying and begging , " I hope everyone can help promote ' Song of the Phoenix ' on your social networking accounts . And if you ( theater managers )