
  • 网络Orientational Relationship;locative relations
  1. 从上下图式到等级图式&空间方位关系在语言世界的映射

    From the UP-DOWN schema to the HIERARCHY schema & The mappings of locative relations onto the linguistic world

  2. IBM将SOA视为业务和IT部门间的全方位关系。

    IBM views SOA as a holistic relationship between the business and the IT organization .

  3. 计算出样品的有效磁化强度M,回旋磁比γ以及兰德因子g等参数,并且得出了共振场与所加磁场方位关系的理论曲线。

    By theoretical simulation , the magnetization , gyromagnetic ratio and g value of the sample are determined .

  4. 对采用CCD非接触式角度测量法测量机、船之间的方位关系进行了研究。

    The non contact CCD technology is used in the determination of the angle between ship baseline and battleplane baseline .

  5. 空间方位关系是GIS空间关系的重要内容之一,方位关系的确定涉及目标对象、参考对象和参考框架。

    Orientation relationship is one of the important contents in GIS spatial relationship . And it is related to the target object , reference object and reference frame .

  6. 但是,专家们对方位关系的研究与拓扑关系相比成果要少的多,空间方位关系在GIS软件中的应用也寥寥无几。

    However , experts obtain little production about direction relations than topological relations research , and there is scarcely any application applying spatial direction relations into GIS software .

  7. 主方位关系及其约束集一致性判定的研究

    Research on the Cardinal Direction Relation and Consistency of Constraints Set

  8. 空间方位关系在不同认知场境下的模糊性探讨

    On Vagueness of Cardinal Direction Relationships in Difference Cognitive Scenarios

  9. 切削过程与机床振动系统两者相互影响并通过相互方位关系相联结。

    Cutting process and machine vibration system interact and interconnect with each other .

  10. 基于力直方图的遥感图像中目标群间方位关系的建立

    Constructing directional spatial relationships between group of remote sensing objects based on force histogram

  11. 本文主要对语言中的空间方位关系进行类型学考察。

    This is an observation on spaces and locatives in language from a typological approach .

  12. 方位关系层次表示与推理

    Hierarchical Reasoning about Direction Relations

  13. 头部和屏幕之间的距离以及两者之间的方位关系同样是重要的风险因素。

    The head 's distance from the screen and position in relation to it are also important risk factors .

  14. 其中定性空间的表示包括空间对象的拓扑关系、方位关系、度量关系三方面的研究。

    The qualitative spatial model contains study on three kinds of relationship , which are topology , direction and measure .

  15. 这篇论文的研究重点则放在对表示静态空间方位关系的空间介词上面。

    This thesis focuses on the study of locative prepositions that are used to indicate the static concepts of the spatial relations .

  16. 本文主要对拓扑关系、方位关系及度量关系3种最重要的空间关系进行了扩展。2、地名本体构建。

    In the paper three kinds of most important relations are extended which are topology relations , direction relation and distance relation . 2 .

  17. 本文研究了空间方位关系模型,给出了方位关系约束的一般表示形式。

    This paper has a research on the model of spatial orientation relation , and gives a general representation form about orientation relation constraint .

  18. 一种算法考虑中心偏置特性,根据整像素最优点和次优点的方位关系来预测亚像素运动矢量的方向,使亚像素的待搜索点数由16个降低到4~8个。

    On one hand , we use the center-biased property , the sub-optimal integer match points are utilized to predict the sub-pixel motion vector direction , and thereby the number of search points can be reduced from 16 to 4-8 .

  19. 空间关系的描述与表达:空间关系是作为属性进行描述的,主要描述了空间关系的拓扑关系、方位关系及度量关系三种空间关系及相应模型。

    The descriptions and expressions of the spatial relations . In the paper spatial relations are described as the attribute and three kinds of relations are described with models , such as topology relation , direction relation and distance relation . 5 .

  20. 根据空间关系的句式特征,本文提出了针对空间方位关系描述的基于句子模式的词语分类方法,并对该方法进行了实验,实验表明该方法可将大部分人工描述语句进行分类。

    As the spatial relationship of the sentence characteristics , this paper describes the relationship for the spatial orientation of words based on the sentence pattern classification method . And the methods of the experiment are finished , which show that the method can classify most artificial described statement .

  21. 3D对象动态方位邻接关系及双向关联表示与某一表相关联的父表不能有多个。

    Dynamic direction adjacent relations and bidirectional association representation of 3D objects There cannot be more than one super table associated with a table .

  22. 绢石与顽火辉石光性方位的关系

    A relationship optic orientation between bastite and enstatite

  23. 本文讨论了晶体表面结构和负离子配位多面体结晶方位的关系。

    The relationship between the crystallographic orientation of anionic coordination polyhedra and the surface structures was discussed in this paper .

  24. 算法以目标和观测器的方位分布关系为基础,减小了观测器最优位置的搜索范围。

    It decreases the uncertain region of observer optimization position , based on the observer and target bearing distributing relationships .

  25. 全方位党际关系格局的形成及其特点它建造成这样,有一点儿老式府邸的格局。

    The Formation and Features of Overall Inter-party Relationship Pattern ; There is something about old-fashioned mansions built as this is .

  26. 法律移植必须处理好传统与现实、制度与意识等全方位的关系,而它的关键则是文化和社会心理的认同。

    The transplanting of law has to balance the relationship between tradition and reality , and policy and concept , in which the cultural and psychological acceptance plays the most important role .

  27. 新课程理念下教师不再是相对孤立的工作群体,而是面临与专家、其他教师、学生与家长、管理者、社会的全方位合作关系。

    A teacher is no longer a relatively isolated working colony under the new course theory , but faces the overall cooperation with experts , other teachers , students and parents , administrators and society .

  28. 因此对中国企业营销实践有一定建设意义的两条建议是,大力推行组织结构柔性化与实行全方位的关系营销。

    And the author proposes two suggestions on building the marketing practices in Chinese enterprises , namely to increase the flexibility of the structure framework of Chinese enterprises and to build and implement all-directional Relation Marketing .

  29. 80年代,中国第二代领导集体强调和平与发展,提出不结盟为特征的独立自主外交,通过发展中美关系及全方位外交关系推动了国内经济建设;

    In the 80 's , the second generation leading collective emphasized " peace and development " and raised " nonaligned policy " . The domestic economic construction was promoted by developing the omnidirectional diplomatic relations .

  30. 论文主要工作如下:1.基于透镜效应法侧视对轴技术,提出了一种利用与光纤方位角关系更敏感的特征量&五点特征值来实现匹配型保偏光纤自动定轴的方法。

    The major research efforts include : Based on the polarization observation by lens-effect-tracing technique ( POL ), a new method using five characteristic points , which are more sensitive to the azimuthal angle of PMF , is presented to complete the auto-alignment of Matching Refractive-index Panda Fibers .