
  • 网络rational science;cognitive science;axiomatic science
  1. 21世纪很快就要走完它的第一个十年,信息时代的绚丽画卷已在我们身边铺展开来,我们有责任通过理性科学的文化实践去开创影视文化美好的明天。

    The first decade of the 21st century will soon come to an end and the splendid picture of the information age has been unfolded . We have responsibility to bring movies TV culture to a better tomorrow through the culture practice of rational science .

  2. 康德的思想主旨是树立理性科学和自由的权威。

    The main idea of Kant is to set up the authority of ration science and freedom .

  3. 这是任何理性科学都需要明确解决的问题,思想政治教育学,作为一门理性科学,更加迫切需要明确地解决这个问题。

    So ideological and political education , as a rational science , is even more urgently supposed to solve the problem definitely .

  4. 人类只有理性科学的认识和协调人与自然的关系,确保人与自然之间的物质变换顺利进行,才能建设生态文明,实现可持续发展。

    Only by understanding and coordinating the relationship between mankind and nature rationally and scientifically , and by ensuring that the substance transformation between human beings and nature works efficiently , can human beings construct the ecological civilization and realize the sustainable development .

  5. 理性与科学只可能认识事物的外表。

    Science and reason can only know the outward of things .

  6. 中国现代文学中的工具理性与科学理性

    Implement Rational and the Scientific Rational in Chinese Modern Literature

  7. 以科学理性、科学准则客观判识非共识课题

    Distinguishing Objectively the Non-consensus Problems by Scientific Rationalities and Norms

  8. 理性是科学的内核,科学是理性的外现。

    Rationality is the essence of science while science is its outward appearance .

  9. 历史的逻辑理性&科学哲学理性的未来转向

    Historical Logic Rationality & the Direction of Philosophy of Science Rationality in Future

  10. 发掘社会主义文化精神的新内核&理性、科学与人道主义

    Explore New Contents of Socialist Cultural Construction & Reason , Science and Humanitarianism

  11. 实践中缺乏理性和科学性,影响了比较广告的实际效果及其正常发展。为此,我们必须坚持合法性判断准则;

    The lack of reason and science affects its practical efficiency and normal development .

  12. 作为理性的科学与作为信仰的宗教

    Science as Nous and Religious as Belief

  13. 虚拟世界与理性的科学信仰

    The Virtual World and Scientific Belief

  14. 不断探索新的监管手段和方法,使得我们的行政监管更加理性和科学。

    Constantly explore new means and methods of supervision , make our administration more rational and scientific .

  15. 历史理性否认科学方法的普遍性和科学理论的真理性,具有强烈的相对主义倾向。

    History rationality denies universality of science method and objectivity of science theory and leans to relativism strongly .

  16. 而油画中的风景是真实的自然,是理性、科学和人文的结合。

    The scenery in the oil paintings is the ture nature and the combination of sense , science and humanity .

  17. 本人认为,以土地私有权取代中国集体土地所有权,是理性、科学的选择。

    The writer holds that to replace collective land ownership with private land ownership is a rational and scientific choice .

  18. 价值标准不同:传媒文学批评的价值在于它的新闻价值,具体表现在批评的及时性、重要性、显著性、贴近性和趣味性上,文学批评的价值则在于批评的学理性、科学性和启示性。

    The value of Mass Media Literary Criticism lies in the fact that it is prompt , important , remarkable intimate and interesting .

  19. 因此,物理学史能够在培养学生的科学理性和科学素养方面起到不可低估的作用。

    This kind of characteristic determines the special function of the physics history in cultivating the student 's science reason and scientific quality .

  20. 培养现代和未来公民的地理素养,将会为这种审视和总结奠定更为理性、科学的基础。

    Develop geographic literacy of modern and future citizens , will lay a more rational , scientific basis for this examine and summarize .

  21. 因此,理性的科学管理也不是万能的,也有其局限性,它很难解决管理中人文和价值观的问题。

    The rational scientific management is not panacea , has its limitations , being difficult to deal with humanities and values in the management .

  22. 对信仰、权威和传统的强调,代替了十八世纪对理性和科学为首的信仰。

    An emphasis upon faith , authority , and tradition took the place of the eighteenth-century belief in the primacy of reason and science .

  23. 再次,引入新兴交叉学科可拓学的相关理论,建立可拓评价体系。用一种理性、科学的方法来辅助设计师对设计方案进行筛选与改良。

    Thirdly , introduced the emerging theory of Extension Strategy and built an extension evaluation system which can help designers choose and improve design proposal .

  24. 最后指出要充分认识我国对贫富差距的调整是一个长期的过程,不应当有急躁的情绪,要决心长期艰苦奋斗并不断进行理性的科学探索。

    Point out finally that it is a long-term course to realize the adjustment to the gap between the rich and the poor in our country .

  25. 惟其如此,才能在推进套路运动真理性的科学价值发展理论方面做出创新的重要理论成果。

    Only in this way , can we obtain some important research work results in promoting to discover the scientific evaluation for the truth of martial movements .

  26. 彻底打破这种黑暗则是资本主义自由观的历史使命,资产阶级思想家利用理性和科学建构了现代自由的原则。

    Completely breaking down this darkness is the history mission of Capitalism liberty watches , bourgeois thinkers build principles of a modern liberal using rationality and science .

  27. 在欧洲中世纪的漫漫长夜中,基督教神学一统天下,理性和科学则处于婢女的地位。

    In the Middle Ages , the Christian religion with theology took the control across the land with rationality and science being in the position like servant girls .

  28. 减轻了人工管理的工作量,使其变得更具有条理性,科学性,为解决医药管理行业的各种问题做出了巨大的贡献。

    Reduce the workload of manual management to become more structured , scientific , in order to address various aspects of medical management industry has made tremendous contributions .

  29. 而科学理性、科学实证、科学精神等在我国发展得还很不够,没有所谓独断的科学话语霸权。

    While such concepts as scientific rationality , scientific empiricism and scientific spirits were not well developed , thus they have no so-called autocratic hegemony of scientific discourse .

  30. 而在司法实践中又集中体现为刑事评议的恣意、片面、非连贯性和适用法律的唯经验性,缺乏全面、理性和科学的态度。

    In the judicial practice the process of criminal appraisal is random , partial , disjointed and empirical because of lacking of a complete , reasonable and scientific attitude .