
  • ideal climate
  1. 现代化首都卡斯翠的自然港口与适宜种植甘蔗的理想气候,都让圣露西亚成为觊觎对象。

    The natural harbor in the modern capital of Castries and the ideal climate for planting sugar cane made it a tempting prize .

  2. 纯净天然的环境和理想的气候使这茶显得格外独特。

    The pure atmosphere and ideal climate makes the tea very special .

  3. 这时,必须为理想的气候进行准备,但预期的气候来临时,储存的谷物种子将会表现得很好。

    In this the target climate should be planned for , seeds for crops that will do well in the anticipated climate laid in store .