
lǐ fà diàn
  • barber shop;hairdresser
  1. 一个小男孩走进一家理发店,这时理发师悄悄对顾客说:“这是天底下最傻的孩子,我来证明给你看。”

    A young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer , " This is the dumbest kid in the world . Watch while I prove it to you . "

  2. 《打瞌睡的理发店老板》小镇的人口是有限的,理发店的老板也因为没有顾客而打起了瞌睡。

    The boss of barber shop is sleeping The population is much small in this town , and the boss of barber shop is sleeping as few customers come .

  3. 你去理发店理得还算满意吗?

    How did it go at the hairdresser 's ?

  4. 附近是不是新开了一家理发店?

    Did a new hairdressing shop open close by ?

  5. 我在这家新开的理发店工作。

    I work in this new hairdresser 's.

  6. 数百人前往索菲娅理发店,因为他们看到广告上说这家理发店提供免费剪发,并且没有任何附带限制。

    Hundreds of people turned up at Sophie 's Hair when they saw an advert2 offering free haircuts with no strings attached .

  7. 卷帘门男人多是药店或理发店老板背后的男人,因为这两种店铺的女性经营者多数都能在没有丈夫帮扶的情况下将店里生意照看得很好。

    The stereotype concerns especially husbands of pharmacists , who have been able to earn a good income without help from their husbands … . Also hairdressing shop keeper ’ s husband has a chance to become a shutter man , as these women often earn quite good .

  8. 比如理发店,CD和DVD商店,

    like barbershops , CD and DVD stores ,

  9. 而在底特律,FellowBarber理发店正打算在其门店内增设一个吧台。

    Fellow Barber plans to add a bar to its Detroit location .

  10. 例如在多伦多,理发店Rod,Gun&Barbers在店内设有一个吧台,在那里抽雪茄是受到鼓励的。

    In Toronto , for example , there is a bar inside Rod , Gun & Barbers , where cigar smoking is also encouraged .

  11. 在旧金山,PeoplesBarber&Shop理发店可提供冰啤,而在费城,DukeBarberCo.理发店也一样。

    In San Francisco , Peoples Barber & Shop serves cold beer , as does the Duke Barber Co. in Philadelphia .

  12. n.刮胡子;修面vt.剃;修面vi.剃;刮脸你是自己刮胡子还是去理发店?n.倾斜adj.倾斜的vt.使倾斜;

    shave Do you shave yourself or go to the barber 's ?

  13. HOUSE99发展全面,将传统英式理发店风格和创新性的头发、皮肤、胡子、纹身等护理融合起来,为男性打造新面貌。

    HOUSE 99 takes a holistic approach to grooming , merging British barbershop culture and style with hair , skin , beard and tattoo creativity to build a home for every man 's next look .

  14. 据《美发百科:一部文化史》(EncyclopediaofHair:ACulturalHistory)记载,在20世纪60年代中期,理发店数量骤减,成千上万家店面关门大吉。

    According to " Encyclopedia of Hair : A Cultural History , " they went into a slump in the mid - " 60s , and thousands went out of business .

  15. 本周早些时候,Emma还被拍到从西好莱坞的一家理发店走出来,还略有些躲镜头。

    Earlier in the week , Emma was camera shy while stepping out of a hair salon in West Hollywood .

  16. 但他发现,在CotterBarber理发店的体验更加愉快。

    But he has found the experience at Cotter Barber to be more pleasant .

  17. 我在拐角处的理发店里面剪了头发。

    I had my hair cut in a barber 's shop .

  18. 我一个月上理发店一次。

    I go to the barber 's only once a month .

  19. 我经常去李的理发店。

    M : I usually go to Lee 's barber shop .

  20. 一个男人和一个小男孩一起走进了一家理发店。

    A man and a little boy entered a barbershop together .

  21. 他去理发店是为了让母亲高兴。

    He went to the barber 's to please his mother .

  22. 有个家伙每个礼拜都会上理发店修面。

    A guy goes to a barbershop for his weekly shave .

  23. 理发店应该给头发少的人打折吗?

    Should barber-shops give discounts for people with thinning hair ?

  24. 不管是在理发店篮球场还是在教堂.

    On the barbershops , on the basketball court , at church .

  25. 他不再在那家理发店干活了。

    He doesn 't work in that barbershop any longer .

  26. 他吹着口哨经过邮局和理发店。

    He whistled as he passed the post office and the barbershop .

  27. 理发店用椅,配有机械升高、旋转或斜倚装置

    Chair , hairdressers ' , with mechanical elevating rotating or reclining movements

  28. 哦我把她扔在理发店了

    Oh , I left her at the hair dresser .

  29. 因为是星期一,理发店不营业。

    It being Monday , the barber shop was closed .

  30. 形象的改变远超过他们必须常常光顾理发店。

    The transformation went beyond frequent visits to the barber .