
  • 网络RICHARD;richard iii;King Richard III
  1. 1483年的今天,理查三世加冕为英格兰国王。

    Richard III is crowned king of England .

  2. 大家都记得约翰·出演风度翩翩有气质的男主角,以及他成功地诠释了莎士比亚的理查三世和哈姆雷特。

    John Barrymore is remembered both for his roles as a debonair leading man and for his interpretations of Shakespeare 's Richard III and Hamlet .

  3. 海饼干?现实生活中的理查三世,莎士比亚戏剧就是根据此改编的,有很多的敌人和不好的名声。

    AZUZ : " Seabiscuit ? " Now the real-life Richard III , on whom Shakespeare 's play was based , had a lot of enemies and a nasty reputation .

  4. “理查三世研究小组”的成员菲利帕•朗丽说,她希望能重塑理查三世的形象,都铎王朝的继任者塑造出来的片面形象将不复存在。她负责协调研究工作以及筹款。

    Philippa Langley , a member of the Richard III Society who coordinated and helped fund the search , said she hoped a new image would emerge of the king and " the two-dimensional character devised by the Tudors will be no more . "