
  • 网络sense and sensibility;Pride and Prejudice;SENSE & SENSIBILITY;S&S
  1. 我最喜欢的是《傲慢与偏见》和《理智与情感》。

    My favorites were Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility .

  2. 理智与情感的失衡&萧伯纳女性形象创作得失谈

    Imbalance between Sense and Sensibility : On Bernard Shaw 's Women Characters

  3. 处理这件事时你应把理智与情感融合在一起。

    You should marry intellect with sensibility in dealing with it .

  4. 论劳伦斯在《儿子与情人》中理智与情感的二元对立

    On Lawrence 's Dualism of Rationality and Sensuality in Sons and Lovers

  5. 阿美:《理智与情感》,英文版的。

    May : Sense and Sensibility , English version .

  6. 文学语用学视角下《理智与情感》中反讽的研究

    A Literary-Pragmatic Analysis of Irony in Sense and Sensibility

  7. 理智与情感&五四新道德的形而下与形而上的双重建设

    Sense and Sensibility & Double Construction of the New Morality of May 4th Movement

  8. 但一颗焦躁的心终被理智与情感所折服。

    However , the impatient mind was convinced by sense and sensibility at last .

  9. 知道的语境敏感性:质疑与辩护理智与情感/理性与感性

    Arguments against and for the Contextual Sensitivity of " Knowing " Sense and Sensibility

  10. 19岁那年,凯特·温丝莱特面试了《理智与情感》中的一个角色,电影演员爱玛·汤普森立马被凯特吸引。

    The following year , Kate Winslet auditioned for a role in Sense and Sensibility .

  11. 最终在1811年,《理智与情感》作为她的第一部小说被出版了。

    At last in1811 , Sense and Sensibility was the first of her novels to be published .

  12. 简奥斯丁在诺桑觉寺和理智与情感两本书中调侃了浪漫主义者。

    Jane Austen makes fun of the romantics in Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility ( 1797-8 ) .

  13. 本片改编自名著《理智与情感》,只不过故事发生在现代的洛杉矶,同时两位女主角也拥有着拉丁血统。

    A Latina spin on Jane Austen 's " Sense and Sensibility " set in contemporary Los Angeles .

  14. 译者主体性分析及其在《理智与情感》译本中的体现

    An Analysis on the Translator 's Subjectivity-A Comparative Study of the Chinese Versions of " Sense and Sensibility "

  15. 批判是能量在理智与情感、直觉和创造之间相分裂的结果。

    Judgment is the result of a split between mental and emotional , along with intuitive and creative energies .

  16. 《理智与情感》于1996年初发行,正赶上当年电影艺术科学院奖的提名。

    Sense and Sensibility was released in early 1996 , in time for inclusion in the year 's Academy Award nominations .

  17. 此后,戴维斯也担任过不少作品的编剧,包括《名利场》、《荒凉山庄》、《理智与情感》等。

    Mr Davies has since worked on Vanity Fair , Bleak House and Sense And Sensibility , to name a few .

  18. 通过两者的对立比较,费茨杰拉德刻画了在理智与情感之间彷徨的现代人。

    By balancing one against the other , Fitzgerald dramatized the dilemma of the western twentieth-century man , wavering between sense and sensibility .

  19. 它包括两个方面的内容:一是金钱与感情的平衡;二是理智与情感的平衡。

    It contains two aspects : One is the balance between money and feelings , the other is the balance between sense and sensibility .

  20. 剑桥公爵夫人凯特·密尔顿无论随时随地,在公众的眼前都能显示出在“理智与情感”双方面的良好修养,也许这是因为这种气质与生俱来便流淌在她的血液之中。

    The Duchess of Cambridge has always demonstrated ample quantities of both sense and sensibility * and perhaps the qualities are in her blood .

  21. 当时,我回答说,东西方相处之道是摒弃傲慢与偏见,培养理智与情感。

    I replied that the right way for East and West to meet is to discard pride and prejudice and apply sense and sensibility .

  22. 它蕴含着个体与社会、理智与情感、道义与功利、差异与普遍、经验与超验之间的一切秘密。

    It contains all theses secrets between individual and society , sense and sensibility , utilitarian and deontology , otherness and universality , experience and super-experience .

  23. 本论文主要分析《理智与情感》中男女主人公话语的两个层面:语言表达方式的词汇特点和句法特点。

    The analysis occurs at two levels : a lexical analysis of certain categories of words and expressions , and a syntactical analysis of some expressions .

  24. 已经成为电影、电视出版物的不仅仅是《傲慢与偏见》,还有《埃玛》、《劝导》、还有奥斯卡获奖作品《理智与情感》。

    There have been film and television productions of not only Pride and Prejudice , but also Emma , Persuasion , and the Oscar-winning Sense and Sensibility .

  25. 一个世纪以来,面对西方强大文明而产生的理智与情感的冲突,不断地催育着基础教育的嬗变和发展。

    In the past century , meeting with the conflicts between rationality and sentiment caused by the powerful western culture , the elementary education has changed and developed .

  26. 1811年她出版了第一部小说《理智与情感》,但她最著名的作品《傲慢与偏见》则在其15年前就完成了。

    Her first novel published was " Sense and Sensibility " in1811 , but her best-known work ," Pride and Prejudice ," was written around fifteen years earlier .

  27. 奥斯丁的婚姻观一直在理智与情感中徘徊,但最终情感战胜了理智,爱情取代了金钱。

    Austen has been wandering up and down between sense and sensibility all the time , but finally emotion has overcome reason , the love has replaced money .

  28. 与此同时,作家的反传统立场开始动摇,《北京人》如实地反映了理智与情感对作家的双重困扰。

    Meanwhile , the writer 's anti-tradition standpoint started to waver , while the puzzlement from the two aspects of sense and sensibility was truthfully reflected in Beijing People .

  29. 来到好莱坞后,李安执导了《理智与情感》(1995)、《冰风暴》(1997)和《与魔鬼共骑》(1999)。

    After coming to Hollywood , Lee directed Columbia TriStar 's Sense and Sensibility ( 1995 ), The Ice Storm ( 1997 ), and Ride with the Devil ( 1999 ) .

  30. 在摄影创作的瞬间中平衡好理智与情感关系,使理智和情感同步发展和深化,才有可能创作出优秀的摄影艺术作品。

    It is possible to create excellent photography artistic works only when you keep the balance between reason and emotion in the twinkling of photography creation to develop and deepen them together .