
  • 网络golden lion award;Gold Lion Award;Leone D'oro
  1. 这位在1992年以《蒙古精神》(urga)获得金狮奖的俄罗斯电影前辈,非常令人吃惊地选择了翻拍《12怒汉》。

    A Russian Cinema veteran who won the Golden Lion for Urga in 1992 , Mikhalkov has chosen , rather startlingly , to remake 12 angry men .

  2. 共有20部电影参选竞争令人垂涎的金狮奖。

    There are 20 films in contention for the coveted Golden Lion award .

  3. 最佳影片金狮奖:《在某处》(索菲亚·科波拉)

    Golden Lion for best film : " Somewhere "

  4. 李安导演的英语影片《断臂山》在第62届威尼斯电影节上获得了金狮奖。

    Ang Lee 's English-language work Brokeback Mountain won the Golden Lion at the62th Venice Film Festival .

  5. 该电影节的主要奖项是金狮奖,用来奖励在电影节上放映的最佳影片。

    The festival 's principal award is the Golden Lion , awarded to the best film screened at the festival .

  6. 芦:哈哈,我不光是有奥斯卡情结,威尼斯的金狮奖我也想拿。

    Lo : Haha , I not only have the Academy complex , Venice 's Golden Lion Award I want to take .

  7. 还有凭借第一部电影、律政片《法庭》在2014年赢得了威尼斯未来金狮奖的印度导演切塔尼亚·塔玛尼。

    and Indian director Chaitanya Tamhane whose first film , legal drama " Court " won the Venice Lion of the Future in 2014 .

  8. 作为著名导演,他赢得了包括金狮奖,金熊奖和评审团大奖在内的众多奖项,并且他监制的三部电影也获得了奥斯卡奖的提名。

    The famous director won many awards including the Golden Lion , Golden Bear and Grand Jury prizes , and three of his films were nominated for the Academy Award .

  9. 当地时间上周六,由菲律宾导演拉夫·达兹执导的复仇题材黑白片《离开的女人》获得威尼斯电影节最佳影片金狮奖。

    The black-and-white revenge tale " The Woman Who Left " by Filipino director Lav Diaz won the Golden Lion prize for best picture last Saturday at the Venice Film Festival .

  10. 这部影片以20世纪60年代为背景,讲述了爱情和生活,在去年的威尼斯电影节上获得金狮奖提名,在今年亚洲电影大奖上获得最佳摄影奖。

    The 1960s-era drama about love and life was nominated for the Golden Lion at last year 's Venice Film Festival , and won the Best Cinematography at this year 's Asian Film Awards .

  11. 他的成绩引人注目:2005年成为了第一位获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖的亚洲导演,是连续2次摘得威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖的两位导演之一。

    He certainly boasts an impressive record as a successful director , being the first Asian to win an Academy Award for best director in2005 , and one of only two directors to have ever earned two Golden Lions at the prestigious Venice International Film festival .

  12. 他同时也作为制作人指导了几部大陆非常流行的电影,其中就有《秋菊打官司》,由巩俐主演,这部电影也帮助巩俐一举夺得1992年威尼斯电影节的金狮奖。

    He 's also credited as an executive producer on several popular mainland movies , including " The Story of Qiu Ju , " staring Gong Li , which helped launch her career after the film won the Golden Lion award at the Venice Film Festival in 1992 .