
  • 网络Golden Gate University;Golden Gate University San Francisco
  1. 金门大学(GoldenGateUniversity)市场营销教授米盖尔o安o斯特拉赫维茨表示,这对于深谙技术的消费者来说可能有点难以接受,因为他们已经习惯了电子设备每一部件都会定期改良。

    Which can be a bitter pill for tech-savvy consumers to swallow as they become acclimated to regular advancements in every other part of their electronic devices , says Michal Ann Strahilevitz , a professor of marketing at Golden Gate University .

  2. “一旦让感情进入了交易中,你就会输掉”来自三藩市金门大学消费者心理学教授KitYarrow说。

    " As soon as emotions enter into the transaction , you 're going to lose ," says Kit Yarrow , a professor of consumer psychology at Golden Gate University , in San Francisco .