
  • 网络Shih Chien University
  1. 实践大学东闵纪念大楼建筑设计

    Architectural Design of " Dong Min Memorial Building ", Shih Chien University

  2. 大学教学实践由大学教学价值取向统领。

    Teaching practices are guided by teaching values .

  3. 无论在理论上或实践上大学英语教改都是势在必行的。

    Reform on College English teaching-studying has become inevitable based on both theory and practice .

  4. 七年制临床医学生基础医学阶段的科研训练实践北京大学七年制临床医学学生就业形势分析和对策探讨

    Practice on the early training of basic scientific research skills for seven-year medical program students in preclinical medical teaching stage

  5. 物理通选课教学改革的探索与实践哈佛大学核心课程和北京大学通选课比较研究

    An Exploration of the Reform in Education of Physics A Comparative Study of General Courses between Harvard and Peking University

  6. 低情感障碍教学实践在大学英语教学改革中已迈出了成功的一步,但中职学校低情感障碍英语教学研究极为鲜见。

    Low affective disturbance English teaching has achieved success in the university . However , it is still new in secondary vocational schools .

  7. 探讨了实现工科物理教学手段现代化问题,论述了工科物理教学手段改革的必要性,并结合教学实践对大学物理教学手段改革问题进行了深入研究与实践。物理教学手段多样化的探讨

    This paper explored the road of modernizations of teaching means of engineering physics . And discussed the necessary . And studied deeply . Approach various physics teaching methods

  8. 作者从大学教学学术在美国产生的背景、大学教学学术运动的发展、大学和教师回应新理念而进行的创新实践及大学教学学术的国际影响等几方面,对美国大学教学学术运动进行了初步阐述。

    The article explores the Movement through the aspects of its background , progress , responding views and innovative actions from universities and academics , and international influence .

  9. 量化评价在20世纪中叶才开始兴起,它是以文献计量学的产生和发展为前提和基础的,在实践中大学科层制是其迅速盛行的重要的体制推动力。

    Quantitative evaluation started rising on the base of bibliometrics in the middle of the 20th century . The section layer system is an important institution impetus of quantitative evaluation .

  10. 结合多年从事大学生思想教育课程教学实践和大学心理学研究,针对目前出现的大学生心理问题提出了相应地调适措施。

    Through many years of practice in teaching ideological course for college students and research on psychology , corresponding adjustment measures to deal with college students ' psychological problems are put forward .

  11. 本文没有陷入大学是否要产业性或者产业化之争,而是直接着手介绍实践中大学介入企业尤其是IT企业培训的方方面面。

    This text does not sink into whether or not the university wants industry or industrialization contends , faces directly to set about introducing the aspects in the practice university intervening the enterprise particularly that the IT enterprise trainings .

  12. 现代大学的功能具有综合化的特征,它们以人才培养为落脚点,在具体实践中大学通过科技发展、社会服务、文化传承创新、知识传授来培养人才。

    The functions of modern universities have the comprehensive characters . They regard developing talents as the purpose . In the practice , universities develop talents by science development social service and the cultural heritage creation and knowledge conveying .

  13. 在实践中深化大学英语教学改革

    The Deepening Reform of College English Teaching in Practice

  14. 电子资源建设的思路与实践&清华大学图书馆案例研究

    The Thinking & Practice of Tsinghua University Library in the Construction of Electronic Resources

  15. 其次,学术自由在具体实践中对大学学术水平的提升举足轻重。

    Next , academic freedom plays an important role in promoting academic level in practice .

  16. 生态办公建筑的有效实践&清华大学设计中心楼综合评价

    Effective Practice on Ecological Office Building & The Comprehensive Evaluation of the Tsinghua University Design Center

  17. 然而,在大学的管理实践中,大学使命往往被束之高阁。

    However , in the practice of university management , university mission is often put away .

  18. 黄璜,理解电子政务-从理论到实践,北京大学出版社,2011年2月。

    Huang Huang , Understanding E-Government : Theory and Practice , Peking University Press , 2011.2 .

  19. 以此指导大学管理的实践和领导大学体制的改革。

    In order to guide the university management practice and leadership in the reform of University system .

  20. 构建多样化内容体系的研究与实践&深圳大学网球教学俱乐部教学内容

    Study and Practice of Constituting a Variety of Contents System ── The Content of Tennis Club in Shenzhen University

  21. 不同性别、家庭背景、学历以及实践经历的大学毕业生在面对就业挫折的心理行为特征、就业挫折归因以及措施评价上都存在差异,在部分项目上存在显著性差异。

    There are differences in above characteristics between graduates of different genders , home background , education and social experience .

  22. 大学图书馆网站设计理念的探析与实践&清华大学图书馆网站改版案例研究

    Discussion and Practice on the Principles of University Library Website Design & A Case Study of the Tsinghua University Library Website Redesign

  23. 本文分析了大学英语自主学习的意义,并以理论为指导,结合我国大学英语教学现状,提出了如何在实践中强化大学英语自主学习的策略。

    This paper analyzes the importance of self-access College English learning and puts forward some suggestions to strengthen self-access learning in practice .

  24. 本文实践探索了大学英语四级后教学,提出了专业英语教学的改革与建议。

    This paper practices and explores the teaching of post four-grade of university English , and proposes the reformation and suggestion of special English teaching .

  25. 理论教育与社会实践活动是大学两课教育教学的基本方式。

    Both theoretical study and social practice are the basic methods to implement the teaching of the " two courses " in colleges and universities .

  26. 会计统计类(本科)专业全程实践教学模式大学本科或同等学力,会计、融或经济专业。

    Whole Course Practice Teaching Model of Statistics and Accounting ( Undergraduate ) Major University degree or similar professional qualification in accounting / finance / economics .

  27. 学习素质教育的基本观念与创新学习的实践&全国大学学习科学研究会第7届学术年会观点述要

    Essential Sense of Learning-oriented Competence Education and Practice in Innovative Learning & Review of the 7th Annual Meeting of the National University Learning Science Research Institute

  28. 本研究以高等教育内外部关系规律理论为基础,以新的视角从理论与实践层面对大学自律与高等教育内外部关系规律进行了探究。

    This research takes law of higher education external and internal relationship as a foundation , with a fresh perspective from the theoretical and practical aspects .

  29. 传教士多年服务于中国农村的实践为教会大学的农学教育打下了基础,他们在大学开设了系统的农学课程,成立农学院。

    Based on the many years practice of serving for Chinese countryside , Boanerges found agriculture education in the ecclesiastic universities including establishing curriculums and colleges of agriculture .

  30. 结合自身教学实践,就大学基础阶段英语教学的教学原则、教学方法以及课堂英语的使用三个方面谈了几点个人体会。

    The present paper talks about my teaching experiences in teaching principles , teaching methods and the use of the classroom English at the basic stage of college English .