
  • 网络experimental art
  1. 借鉴于实验艺术的POP设计教学创新研究

    Innovative Teaching of POP Design with Reference to Experimental Art

  2. 维也纳,下一个实验艺术和新音乐的中心?

    Vienna , the next centre of experimental art and new music ?

  3. 但“实验艺术”这个概念所试图确立的价值却有所不同。

    But the values that'experimental art'is trying to establish are different .

  4. 听一段实验艺术课。

    Listen to part of a lecture in a studio art class .

  5. 致力于中国当代实验艺术的策划、评论、编辑等工作。

    He engages in curatorial practice , criticism and editorial work of contemporary Chinese experimental art .

  6. 这个画廊兼电影院被称作是该国最重要的实验艺术中心之一。

    This gallery and cinema is described as one of the country 's foremost experimental arts centres .

  7. 这本书是视觉艺术从史前史时期到最近实验艺术的历史。

    The book is a history of the visual arts from prehistory to the latest experimental art .

  8. 也就是说,当先锋派变成了一种美学制度的时候,“实验艺术”这个概念就被自觉地提了出来。

    In other words , when the avantgarde became an aesthetic system , the concept of'experimental art'was naturally raised .

  9. 一贯专营传统水墨画的中国拍卖行,如今也开始在拍卖作品中加入当代实验艺术作品。

    Chinese auction houses that once specialized in traditional ink paintings are now putting contemporary experimental artworks on the block .

  10. 我们用智性与意志这一对概念来描述及判断实验艺术的特点和价值。

    We will use the concepts of enlightenment and will to describe and evaluate the characteristics and value of experimental art .

  11. 综合材料版画创作是处于应用材料与材料艺术之间的实验艺术形式。

    Synthesis of printmaking is in the " Applied Materials " and " Art Materials " between the experimental art forms .

  12. 蒋志的当代艺术实践就发生在这样的“实验艺术”的背景下,也构成了九十年代“实验艺术”的一个部分。

    It is under such atmosphere of'experimental art'that Jiang Zhi 's artistic practice developed and which also became part of this movement .

  13. 往郊外走,一直走到五环外尘土飞扬的郊区,去不那么拥挤的展览空间看看实验艺术。

    Head farther afield - literally in the dusty suburbs beyond the Fifth Ring Road - to see experimental art in less-crowded spaces .

  14. 即使展览现在已经结束了,9月的关于实验艺术与摄影的展览听说也是非常棒的。

    Even though that exhibition is now over , the one opening in September on experimental art and photography sounds just as awesome .

  15. 本文通过装置艺术的应用以及观念艺术的表达来研究实验艺术的观念,并通过我的创作实践来探讨装置艺术的观念表达。

    Through installation art applications to study experimental art , and installation art to explore through my creative practice to avoid ready-made expression of ideas .

  16. 当然这不仅是当代雕塑,在绘画、装置、影响等方面的实验艺术都有类似倾向。

    Surely , it was not just for contemporary sculpture , but a similar trend for experimental arts like painting , installation , and video , etc.

  17. 蒋志是中国九十年代实验艺术的背景下成长起来的艺术家。

    Jiang Zhi is an artist who developed amidst a backdrop of1990s experimental art in China , during which the country underwent a series social transformations .

  18. 22岁的唐博(音译)是中央美术学院实验艺术专业大四学生,他将自己的毕业设计视为对传统的挑战。

    Tang Bo , a 22-year-old senior majoring in experimental art at the Central Academy of Fine Arts , sees his graduation design as a challenge to tradition .

  19. 2006年中央美院实验艺术系的录取通知书让李红军顶著年龄不大不小的尴尬再度回到北京,继续进行自己的艺术创作。

    In2006 an admission notice from Central Academy of Art 's Experimental Art Program allowed Li Hongjun , in middle age , to return to Beijing and continue his creation of art .

  20. 在推进优秀艺术家整体创作水平的同时,也将进一步提升深圳创库建设的成就和实验艺术的人文风貌。

    The Base will not only improve the overall creation level of the outstanding artists , but also enhance the achievements of Shenzhen Creation Base and the humanistic view of the experimental arts .

  21. 当时,四川艺术学院的油画系成为了实验艺术的熔炉,从该系毕业的张晓刚现在已经成为中国最受追捧的当代画家之一。

    At the time , the Sichuan institute 's oil painting department , whose graduates include Zhang Xiaogang , now one of China 's most sought-after contemporary painters , was a crucible of experimentation .

  22. 此时,中国的艺术圈里开始出现新媒体艺术,观念艺术,实验艺术和各种前卫艺术思潮,出现多元复杂的局面。

    At this point , the Chinese art circle began to appear in the new media art , concept art , experimental art and thoughts of avant-garde art , appear the situation of multiple complex .

  23. 巫:我们说到希望把自己从规律性的东西移开,也就是我常说的“自我边缘化”,在我看来这是实验艺术的基础。

    Wu : We mentioned that hope to remove ourselves away from the disciplined objects , in another word " self marginalized ", in my view , it is the base of the experimental art .

  24. 特别是受到当时著名的包豪斯设计学院的实验艺术影响整合着建筑、设计、电影、戏剧等多种媒介跨媒介艺术已开启。

    Especially with was famous Bauhaus design institute of the experimental art effects & integrating the construction , design , movies , dramas and so on many kinds of medium - through media art has already open .

  25. 战后的经济复苏建构起了消费文化,从而直接导致了对注重道德历史层面的传统文学理论的颠覆,继续掀起20和30年代实验艺术的大潮。

    The post-war economic recovery ushered in the culture of consumerism , which toppled the traditional literary theory that put emphasis on historical and moral contexts . Thus , the experimental arts that were prevalent in the 20s and 30s were once more explored by artists .

  26. 本文分析了改革开放之后的中国建筑界在西方现代建筑思想和国内实验性艺术影响之下,对当时主流建筑文化的一些质疑和反思的现象。

    This paper tries to analyze the critical and reflective phenomena in the recent architecture under the influence of Western modern architectural thinking and Chinese experimental arts .

  27. 分解与实验使艺术回归到自身,色彩、线条、块面之间关系与组合具有独立意义。

    Decomposition and experimentation make art come back to its original elements and the relations and constitutions among colors , lines , and clumps have their independent purposes .

  28. 第四届北京设计周从9月26日至10月3日举办,它将和北京这座城市一样宏大而多样化。设计周包括几百场活动,从中华世纪坛严谨的行业论坛到城市巴士上的实验声音艺术。

    Running from Sept. 26 - Oct. 3 , the fourth edition of BJDW will be as massive and diverse as Beijing itself , featuring hundreds of events ranging from straight-laced industry forums at China Millennium Monument to experimental sound art on city buses .

  29. 分解与实验成为现代艺术发生发展过程中的核心力量。

    Decomposition and experimentation are the key forces of modern art .

  30. 分解与实验:现代艺术的核心力量

    Decomposition and experimentation : Key forces of modern art