
  1. 提出建立女书训诂学和女书书法学。

    The author suggests setting up the gloss and calligraphy of the women characters .

  2. 本文从设计学的角度对篆书字体的演变发展进行了综合研究,通过借鉴书法学、历史学、考古学、文字学等相关学科的研究成果,分析了篆书字体的演进发展。

    This thesis makes a comprehensive study evolvement of seal script font from the perspective of the design , through the research from the calligraphy , history , archaeology , linguistics and other related disciplines , analyzed the evolution and development of seal script font .

  3. 构建书法文献学刍议

    Initial Comment on Establishing the Study of Calligraphy Documents

  4. 第二个是书法官学教育,又可细分为书法专门教育和一般书法教育。

    The second is school calligraphy education , which can be subdivided into special calligraphy education and general calligraphy education .

  5. 我在校园里遇到了张静,告诉她我想和新来的书法老师学书法。

    I met Zhang Jing on campus and I told her that I wanted to study Chinese calligraphy with a new teacher .

  6. 他于舆地、目录、版本、金石、书法诸学均有精深的研究,在经学、小学、辑佚等方面也做出了很大的成绩。

    He had done research on geography , catalogue , edition , inscription and calligraphy as well as classic , ancient lexicography and collecting the discovered ones all his life .

  7. 第三个是书法私学教育,主要包括家传和师授等形式,是书法艺术得以传承发展的重要保证。

    The third is private calligraphy education , mainly including family calligraphy tradition education and private teacher teaching calligraphy education , which guarantees the the inheritance and development of calligraphy art .

  8. 并且进而指出此书在体例、内容等方面的不足之处,探讨其编纂得失对当下建构更为成熟的书法文献学体系的启示意义。

    Next , the deficiencies in stylistic aspects and content are pointed out , and the implications of its advantages and disadvantages in compilation on construction more mature calligraphy document system currently are investigated .

  9. 而将书法与内丹学结合,更是一种新的尝试。

    The combination of calligraphy and NEI-DAN is even more a new attempt .

  10. 众人赞扬,趣闻传开,当时向苏东坡求师就教的人中,除了来学书法的、学写文章的外,也有人来学烧“东坡肉”。

    Among people who went to learn from Su Dongpo , besides those who wanted to learn writing and calligraphy , there were also people who went to learn how to cook " Dongpo Meat " .

  11. 论黄绮的书法艺术黄绮书学美学思想论纲

    Aesthetical Thinking Hidden in Huang Qi 's Calligraphy The Yellow Paint

  12. 论阮元的书法理论及其碑学成就

    On Calligraphy Theory & Stele Study Achievement of Ruan Yuan

  13. 所以我决定去参加一门书法课,去学写字。

    I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this .

  14. 在长期的书法传授中,古人形成了书法的学序理论。

    In the long procedure of teaching , the theory of practice order founded .

  15. 敦煌遗书中行草书法的研究,对中国书法史和敦煌学的研究都具有重大的、积极的意义。

    The study of free and grass script in Dunhuang posthumous writing is of great importance to the history of Dunhuang calligraphy and the study of Dunhuang .