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  1. SammiNg在脸书说上,“或许,古驰自己应该开一家仿真祭品店。”

    Sammi Ng said on Facebook : " Maybe Gucci should launch their own paper offering products . "

  2. NorCalCorgiCon官方脸书说,周六在海洋沙滩聚会包括792只基仔,计数持续更新中。

    The Saturday event at Ocean Beach included ' 792 CORGEEZ and counting ! ! ' , the Nor Cal Corgi Con Facebook page said on Sunday

  3. 你是什么意思?那本书说什么了?

    What do you mean ? What was the book saying ?

  4. 他写了一本书说我爷爷很笨;

    He wrote a book saying that my grandfather was foolish ;

  5. 而情感分析则仅限于脸书说英语的用户。

    For the sentiment analysis , it focused only on English-speaking users .

  6. 这本书说狗都喜欢跟随他们的领导者。

    This book says dogs are into their pack leaders .

  7. 这本书说我们的世界正处于危险之中。

    This book says that our world is in danger .

  8. 我的导游书说它是日本最棒的园林之一。

    My guidebook said it ranked among the three most perfect Japanese gardens .

  9. 我的雄心大志是:别人用一整本书说的话,我十句说完。

    It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book .

  10. 这本书说的是时间管理对企业的重要性。

    The book is about how time management is one of the most important aspects of a company .

  11. 过去的语法书说“动宾结构”不能作它动词,不能带外宾语。

    Traditional grammar books claimed that verb-object construction cannot serve as transitive verbs , and cannot hold outer object .

  12. 请愿书说,如果项目照常进行,将有加深矛盾的危险。

    If the plan went ahead , the letter said , there was the risk of an expanding and deepening conflict .

  13. 《傲慢与偏见》出版于1813年,是奥斯汀的第二部小说,奥斯汀把这本书说成是她自己亲爱的孩子。

    Published in 1813 , Pride and Prejudice was Austen 's second novel and she described it as her own darling child .

  14. 大历史书说从那以后已经过了四千年了,但是有些学士坚称只有两千年。

    The True History says four thousand years have passed since then , but some maesters claim that it was only two .

  15. 门徒:奥义书说“一切都是梵”,为什么商竭罗却说“这个世界是一个幻象”。

    D. : When the Upanishads say that all is Brahman , how can we agree with Shankara that this world is illusory ?

  16. “当怀疑某些男人不能生孩子时,我们可以更加积极地为他们进行检查,看看他们是否患有前列腺癌。”他书说。

    When inability to father children is suspected ," we may want to screen these men more aggressively for prostate cancer ," he said .

  17. 我突然想看过一本书说古代战略要地有九个:四角、四边和中原。

    I suddenly think that I had read a book about ancient-war strategy place have nine : Four Corners , Four Sides and Central Plains .

  18. 关于这个问题的畅销书说,A型血的人应吃素,但O型血的人不应该。

    A popular book on this subject said that people with type A blood should follow a vegetarian diet but that people with type O blood should not .

  19. 但经济学人风格指南,而其设计为该书说,为促进良好的写作,是如此风趣和严谨的,以被不可抗拒的。

    But the Economist Style Guide , designed , as the book says , to promote good writing , is so witty and rigorous as to be irresistible .

  20. 判决书说,这对夫妇是去年9月份在一次通宵游戏会后回到位于首尔以南水原市的他们家中后发现她死亡的。

    They found her dead when they returned to their home in Suwon , just south of Seoul , after an all-night gaming session last September , the ruling said .

  21. 这本书说父母应该跟自己的孩子每天渡过珍贵的时光,而不是跟孩子一起看电视然后哄孩子们睡觉。

    This book says parents should spend quality time with their kids every day , and not just sit in the same room watching TV with them before sending them to bed .

  22. 这里毕竟是福斯特传播他的小说手稿《莫瑞斯》的地方。这本书说做一个微不足道的王尔德,

    Here , after all , was the circle round which Forster passed the manuscript of his novel Maurice which conveyed so much about being ' an unmentionable of the Oscar Wilde sort ' .

  23. 他绝不肯让将来的历史书说他甘愿当一个袖手旁观,悠闲文雅而听任事情自流的总统。

    He would never let the history books say of him that he had been content to sit on the sideline , to be a gentle , leisurely president , letting events take their course .

  24. 协议书说,联合报税的财产不会被视为共有财产,扎伦巴的名字将被加进杰克逊纽约公寓的租约当中。

    Assets filed on a joint tax return wouldn 't be considered joint assets , the agreement states , and Mr. Zaremba 's name would be added to the lease on Ms. Jackson-Zaremba 's New York apartment .

  25. 这部书说,一个人愈是接近迪伦,就愈是觉得他难以了解(迪伦的代理人并没有回复笔者要求对本文进行评价的电话或电子邮件采访)。

    The book suggests that the closer one got to Mr. Dylan , the more unknowable he became . ( Mr. Dylan 's representatives did not respond to email and phone requests for comment for this article . )

  26. “无可奉告”由总统选出来拿着人民供奉负责战争宣传的德克萨斯人在星期三晚上被问及对这本书说的评价时如是说。

    The book , which drew a " no comment " from the White House on Tuesday night , comes from a Texan picked by the president and paid by the people to help sell the war to the world .

  27. 今年计划将会有很多活动庆祝奥斯汀这部最受欢迎的小说的200周年纪念。《傲慢与偏见》出版于1813年,是奥斯汀的第二部小说,奥斯汀把这本书说成是她“自己亲爱的孩子”。

    Many events have been planned this year to celebrate the bicentenary of the author 's best loved novel . Published in 1813 , Pride and Prejudice was Austen 's second novel and she described it as her " own darling child . "

  28. 他的书与其说是一部完整的历史,更像是一篇个人挽歌。

    His book is not intended to be a complete history but a personal elegy .

  29. “有可能,”斯坦福大学的领导者JingGao,MD,在制备的声明书中说。

    " Perhaps ," says Stanford lead researcher Jing Gao , MD , in prepared statements .

  30. 和其他类型的金融资产相比,房地产交易带来的洗钱风险相对较小,美国土地产权协会(AmericanLandTitleAssociation)在对监管规则提案的意见书中说。

    The money-laundering risks presented by real estate closings are relatively small , compared to other types of financial assets , the American Land Title Association said in comments on the proposed rules .