
shū yuàn
  • academy of classical learning
书院 [shū yuàn]
  • [academy of classical learning] 旧时地方上设立的供人读书或讲学的处所

  • 顾宪成重修 东林书院的时候清楚地宣布,他是讲 程朱学说的。--《事事关心》

书院[shū yuàn]
  1. 返朴归真,还原场所意义象山书院重建研究与规划设计

    Research and Plan of Rebuilding Xiang Shan Academy of Classical Learning

  2. 中国的书院志及其学术价值

    Records of Chinese Academy of Classical Learning and Their Academic Values

  3. 他在芬兰西部长大,毕业于威尔士大西洋联合世界书院(atlanticcollege)。

    He grew up in the west of Finland before finishing his studies at the Atlantic college in Wales .

  4. 基于CALIS标准的书院文化数字化建设与研究

    Construction and Research on Digitalization of Academy Culture , Based on the " CALIS " Standard

  5. 宋代书院与宋代蜀学

    Academies of Classical Learning and Shu Xue in the Song Dynasty

  6. 从白鹿洞书院的复兴想到的

    To Think over the Rejuvenation of the White Deer Hollow Academy

  7. 颜元对书院理念的变革及其启示

    Perspectives of Yan Yuan 's reforming concepts of the classical academy

  8. 蓄德为先&论书院教育的道德诉求及其历史影响

    Moral Appeal of Education in Classical Academy and its Historical Impact

  9. 宝血会上智英文书院的同学介绍她们的设计模型。

    Students of Holy Trinity College presented their model and design .

  10. 试论元代书院的特征

    Discussion on the Characteristics of the Learning Academy of Yuan Dynasty

  11. 论书院的教学特点及其现实意义

    On the teaching characteristics of classical academy and its practical significance

  12. 陕北历史上的书院

    The Academies of Classical Learning In the History of Northern Shaanxi

  13. 孙武书院工程太阳能热水系统的应用

    Application of Solar Hot Water System in the Sunwu Academy Engineering

  14. 费用全免,供联合书院同学参加。

    The camps are free of charge for United College students .

  15. 书院;书院藏书;藏书史;

    Academy ; Academy book collection ; Book collection history ;

  16. 广州陈氏书院建筑装饰工艺中的辟邪物

    Talisman of Building Decoration in Chen 's Study in Guangzhou

  17. 宋元之际江南书院社会教化的研究

    On the Masses Cultivation of Jiangnan Academies between Song and Yuan Dynasties

  18. 书院研究可为当代高等教育提供参考和借鉴。

    To study ancient academy can provide reference for modern high education .

  19. 书院和学为己的书院精神

    Academy of Classical Learning and the Academy Spirit of Learning for Self-improvement

  20. 地方上主要是州县学,包括官办书院等。

    Regional schools include state or county-run schools , plus state-run Shuyuan .

  21. 石鼓书院是中国历史上盛名天下的“四大书院”之一。

    The Stone Drum Academy is one of the four famous academies .

  22. 传统书院与民办高校的对比研究

    Contrast Study of the Traditional Academy with the Civilian-run Colleges and Universities

  23. 略论朱熹与白鹿洞书院之关系

    A Brief Discussion on the Relationship between Zhu Xi and Bailu Academy

  24. 论颜元对书院制度的改革

    Yanyuan 's Innovation of the System of the Academy of Classical Learning

  25. 首善书院是晚明学者冯从吾、邹元标建立的讲学书院。

    Shoushan Academy was a traditional academy in late Ming .

  26. 祭祀是书院规制的重要内容。

    The sacrifice was an important part of an academy .

  27. 中国古代书院藏书概论

    On the Bibliotheca of Academies of Classical Learning in China

  28. 杭州万松书院复建工程规划设计

    The Planning and Design of the Rebuilding Project of Hangzhou Wansong College

  29. 颜元的实学思想与书院制度改革

    A New Illustration of Yan-yuan 's Innovation on College System

  30. 如你关闭此视窗,汇基书院的网页也会同时关闭!

    Closing this window will close the UCC Homepage too !