
  • 网络bureaucratically-owned
官营 [guān yíng]
  • [state-run] 政府代理人为政府直接经营财政或公共事业,区别于按合同经营这类公共事业的制度

  1. 民营经济是与官营经济、公营经济相对应的一种经济形式。

    Non-state-run economy is an opposite economic mode to state-run economy .

  2. 汉武帝时期的垄断官营经济政策

    Government Monopoly of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty

  3. 宋代官营手工业定额管理制度述论

    On the Ration System of Handicraft Industry Operated by Government in the Song Dynasty

  4. 明代官营茶马贸易体制的衰落及原因

    The Official-Run Tea-for-Horse Trade System in Ming Dynasty : The Process of Decline and its Causes

  5. 民营经济就是非政府或非官营的民间经济。

    The non-state-owned economy is the folk economy that is not owned by state and operated by government .

  6. 中国古代官营经济思想理论源于战国时期的管商学派。

    The theory of government-operated economic idea was from Confucianism school in the period of Warring States of the ancient China .

  7. 中原王朝为完全垄断茶叶贸易,对茶叶实行官营官运专销。

    Central Plains for a complete monopoly of tea trade , and transportation officials to implement government-run specialty retailer of tea .

  8. 随着明末官营贸易的衰落,民间贸易便得到了快速自由的发展。

    With the decline of government-run trade in the late of Ming dynasty , non-governmental trade has been developed quickly and freely .

  9. 宋代官办慈善事业述论汉代官营经济思想及经济政策

    A Review of the Government-operated Philanthropy in Song Dynasty A Slightly Discussion of the Government-operated Economic Idea and Policy of Han Dynasty

  10. 明代官营茶马互市衰亡的原因&从明政府的茶马互市政策方面分析

    On the Main Causes for the Decline of Tea-Horse Trade in Ming Dynasty & An Analysis of the Cause from the Policy Perspective

  11. 酒作为生活必需品其销售规模极大,酒的零售机构也分官营和私营两类。

    As a necessity for daily life , the sales scale of wine was large . Wine retail agencies also divided into official and private .

  12. 宋代官营船场的建立受自然条件以及政治、经济、军事等因素的影响,形成官营船场北少南多的分布格局。

    The establishment of government-running shipyards in the Song Dynasty under the political , economic and military influences caused the unbalanced distribution between the northern and southern areas .

  13. 宋代立法对官营高利贷规定必须明确贷款资金来源、偿还期限、利息计算方法等。

    The rules of Song legislation on the official ruling usury must be clear in capital source , time limit for repayment of loan , interest calculation method .

  14. 明朝开国后,在以茶驭番思想的指导下,建立了官营茶马贸易体制。

    After the Ming Dynasty was founded , the official-run system of the tea-for-horse trade was established from the intention of " controlling the ethnic minority with tea " .

  15. 可一些自由派对参议院的提案嗤之以鼻,认为提案中没有官营医改的内容,而且昂贵的医改方案牵涉到的税务问题也倍受争议。

    But many liberals despise the upper chamber 's offering , as it includes a controversial tax on gold-plated insurance plans and lacks any provision for a government-run insurance scheme .

  16. 元代官营工商业手工业劳动者最初就是来源于唯匠屠免的战争俘虏,其使主将他们称为驱口。

    The first handicraft laborers of Yuan Official business were derived from the war prisoners of " only carpenter not be killed ", and the Lord called them " drive mouth " .

  17. 同时,在经营活动中,这些官营银行从地方官僚、军阀的需要出发,滥发纸币,造成通货膨胀和金融市场的混乱。

    At the same time , these state-owned banks were out of considerations of local bureaucracy and warlord , distributed money indiscriminately , resulted in inflation of currency and confusion of money market .

  18. 汉武帝时期为了筹措巨额对外战争经费,实行大规模的官营工商业政策。

    Policies on government-run industry and commerce were implemented on a large scale in the Emperor Wudi period of Han Dynasty , for the sake of collecting a heavy outlay for external wars .

  19. 农村经济制度与金融制度变迁的不对称,形成经济的多元性和民营性与金融的单一性和官营性的反差;

    The contrast between the multifactor and privatization of economy and the singularity and " state-run " property of finance stems from the transformational asymmetry between the economic system and financial system in rural areas .

  20. 官营二业,不仅影响了封建官府的行政效率,而且加速了官僚队伍的腐化,加剧了土地兼并的步伐,严重影响了封建社会的长治久安。

    This not only severely affected the work efficiency of the government but accelerating the corruption of the officials and land annexation as well which in turn affected the stability and security of the society .

  21. 赵宋王朝时代医药工商体系全面建立,在官营与民营的相互竞争中,传统药业经济发展到第三个高峰。

    In Song Dynasties , economic development of Chinese traditional medicine trade run to its third highest peak with complete foundation of medicine industrial and commercial system and competition of running by the government and the local people .

  22. 在官营商业方面,唐政府以多种方式直接参与商品经济活动,在唐安史之乱以后,官营商业带有强烈的财政获利性和强制性。

    In the official business , the government participated directly in activities of commodity economy , and in fact , the official business was did with a strong financial profitability and mandatory after An-shih rebellion in the middle period of the Tang Dynasty .

  23. 从南京国民政府与官营出版业、民营出版业、书业协会的关系入手,探讨国民政府对出版业的具体管理行为。

    From the Nanking National Government and government-run publishing industry , the private publishing industry , the book start with the relationship between the Association , the National Government to explore the nature of the publishing industry in different management styles and the only purpose of political control .

  24. 此书以西汉的经济政策为主题,尤以盐铁是否官营专卖为核心,辩论盐铁酒类专卖以及均输平准等措施的存废,它是了解西汉社会经济政治问题的一部重要文献。

    This works is an important document for understanding the economic and political issue of the Western Han Dynasty , with the topic of the economic policy of the Western Han Dynasty and particularly the core of issue in selling the salt and iron by the government or not .

  25. 大后方电影纪实性故事片,作为抗战时期官营电影体下的主流形态电影,在发生机制的表述上一直没有一个从生成语境到创作特征的总体归纳和梳理。

    Documentary feature Movie in the rear , movie as a mainstream form of a government-run movies during the war , in the formulation of the mechanism has not been a characteristic to the kernel image from the movie the overall summarized in the context of creation and combing .

  26. 分析了汉武帝时期推行垄断官营经济政策的时代背景、指导思想,阐述了其推行的主要经济政策及后果,指出了这种经济政策对社会经济发展的消极影响。

    Based on an analysis of the background and ideology of the time when Han Wudi pursued the policy of government monopoly of the economy , the author expounds on the economic policies and their consequences and reveals their negative effects on the social and economic development of the country .

  27. 然而克里姆林宫大力支持,从今年夏天开始在官营媒体上发动全面宣传,把远东地区说成是遍地黄金的机遇之地,还设立了一个政府网站让俄国公民查看放领地,进行在线申请。

    The Kremlin , however , has thrown its weight behind the program , set in motion this summer with a blitz of publicity on state news media presenting the Far East as an El Dorado of opportunity , and the start of a government website that allows citizens to view plots of land and make online applications .

  28. 社交游戏公司Zynga聘用了电子艺界(ElectronicArts)的副总裁杰夫•卡普,他将担任这家社交网络游戏创业公司的首席营销官和首席营收官。

    Zynga hired away Electronic Arts VP Jeff Karp , who will serveat the social gaming startup as chief marketing and revenue officer .

  29. 略论西夏上奏文书清代涉台官式文书析要从黑城文书看元代官营酒业的变化

    An exploration of the changes of government-operated alcohol business from the official documents in Black City in the Yuan Dynasty