
  • 网络beacon tower
烽燧 [fēng suì]
  • [beacon fire;signal fire] 即烽火。古代边防报警的两种信号,白天放烟叫烽,夜间举火叫燧

  • 修烽燧。--《后汉书.光武帝下》

  • 南朝自 武昌至 京口,列置烽燧。-- 宋. 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》

  1. 烽燧和邮亭驿在长城防御体系中发挥了新的重要作用。

    Beacon towers and post stations were built , which played a new role in the defence system of the Great Wall .

  2. 第二部对汉代居延地区候望系统的运作方式进行研究,由侦察与巡逻、烽火传递与烽燧自身的防御等几个方面的内容构成。

    The second , research the acting means of presentiment system , this part is consist of spy and patrol signal fire transferring and recovery per se .

  3. 既有大佛寺、西来寺、土塔、镇远楼、山西会馆、明粮仓等古代建筑,又有黑水国遗址、汉墓群、古城墙、长城烽燧等历史遗迹;

    It not only has many ancient architectures , such as Big Buddhist temple , Hsi Lai Temple , wooden tower temple , Zhen Yuan Buildings , Shanxi Hall and the granary built in Ming Dynasty , etc.

  4. 这个体系的构成,大致可以看作烽燧(亭燧)基点组成连接城障中心构成边塞线的边防土木工程形式,以点线带的防御层次组成工程体系。

    This system form , can be roughly as beacons ( Pavilion flint ) BP connect city center constitute the frontier line border civil engineering form , to the point line with levels of defense components engineering system .