
fēng huǒ
  • beacon-fire;beacon;flames of war;signal fire
烽火 [fēng huǒ]
  • (1) [signal fire;beacon-fire]∶古时边防报警的烟火

  • (2) [flames of war]∶比喻战火或战争

  • 四十三年,望中犹记,烽火扬州路。--宋. 辛弃疾《永遇乐.京口北固亭怀古》

烽火[fēng huǒ]
  1. 神笔张点燃烽火呼救却血染大漠。

    " Magic Brush " Zhang lighted the beacon-fire for help but was killed in the desert .

  2. n.烽火;信号山丘上的火是通知村民敌人来了的信号。

    beacon The fire on the hill was a beacon to the villagers that the enemy was coming .

  3. 目前国内的主要设备商华为、中兴、烽火拥有基于SDH的ASON产品。

    At present , main domestic manufacturers Huawei , ZTE and Fiberhome have SDH-based ASON products .

  4. 其次运用比较分析、五力模型分析、SWOT分析和BCG矩阵分析等方法,对烽火通信目前所处的产业盈利能力、经营状况、市场地位、竞争优劣势、产品服务组合等进行了实证研究。

    And then it uses comparative analysis , five competitiveness of the model analysis , SWOT analysis and BCG matrix analysis method to analyze the current industry profitability , the operating conditions , the market position , the competitive advantages and disadvantages , the combination of the products and services .

  5. 论文最后介绍本人在武汉邮电科学研究院(烽火通信公司)亲自参与开发的BITS设备Clockstar,并将DDS技术、差频倍增技术应用于该设备,分析本人实际制作的电路。

    Finally , the article introduces the BITS equipment ( Clockstar ) that the author participates in tapping in WRI ( Fiberhome under WRI ), which applies the DDS technique and Different Frequency Multiplication technique to the equipment and analyzes the circuit diagram tapped by the author himself .

  6. 我们不需要靠烽火来请求救援。

    We don 't need a fire for them to find us .

  7. 谈判破裂,烽火再起。

    The flames of war went on when the negotiation broke down .

  8. 710年,西班牙遭到侵略;720年,烽火烧到了比利牛斯山脉。

    Spain was invaded in710 and the Pyrenees Mountains were reached in720 .

  9. 因为应该用不到激活紧急烽火

    as there should be no reason to activate this emergency beacon .

  10. 始兴县烽火台探索

    The Initial Exploration of Beacon Towers in Shixing County

  11. 消息用烽火从一个村子传送到另一个村子。

    The message was flamed by signal fires from one village to another .

  12. 这些烽火台通过狼烟来发出入侵的信号。

    These towers communicated by smoke to signal invasion .

  13. 战争的烽火硝烟已经消散。

    The flames and smoke of war had dissipated .

  14. 漫长、冷酷的网络浏览器烽火重燃。

    The long , cold war over the Internet browser is heating up again .

  15. 但他们有足够的力量阻止吞噬这世界的烽火吗?

    But are they strong enough to stop the violence that is engulfing the world ?

  16. 如果刚铎的烽火被燃起洛汗国必须准备好去投入战斗。

    If the beacons of Gondor are lit , Rohan must be ready for war .

  17. 生产平台,包括采油平台、处理平台、生活平台和烽火台;

    Production platforms , including recovery platforms , treating platforms , living platforms and beacon towers ;

  18. 我们将继续执行重点开拓大客户的政策。这些大客户比如说华为、中兴和烽火等等。

    We will continue focusing on those key customers , say Huawei , ZTE and Fiberhome , etc.

  19. 长城由三部分构成:军事关卡,城墙和烽火台。

    It consisits of three parts : the military passes , the walls and the beacon towers .

  20. 而在汉代,传递敌情之最有效、快捷的方法是将敌情以烽火信号的形式传递。

    In Han dynasty , the most effective method was transmitting information about enemies by fire signal .

  21. 策士,是伴随着战国烽火硝烟而兴起的一个特殊的阶层。

    Advisors , is accompanied by the Warring States flames and smoke rise of a special class .

  22. 还要沿着长城爬很长一段路,才能爬到顶峰的烽火台。

    It was a long pull along the Great Wall to the beacon tower on the peak .

  23. 论文首先简述了通信发展的历史沿革,从烽火台到现代卫星通信。

    Firstly , the paper narrates the evolution of communication : from balefire plat to modern satellite communications .

  24. 沿城墙每隔几百米就有一个烽火台,过去常有士兵驻守。

    Every few hundred meters along the wall there are watchtowns , where soldiers used to keep watch .

  25. 这个传递信息的过程由相邻两个山头上的烽火台组成,可以互相看到对方。

    This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall .

  26. 一个陌生的中国老妇人把头探出烽火台,示意我走上去。

    A strange older Chinese lady had poked her head out of the tower and was motioning me upward .

  27. 碉楼根据主要功能的不同可以分为:烽火碉,家碉和寨碉。

    The Diaolou are classified according to their main functions : night watch towers , residential towers and communal towers .

  28. 无论出现什么情况,我们都不容许法兰西抗战烽火被扑灭,而且它也永不会被扑灭。

    Whatever may come , the flames of French resistance must never be extinguished ; and it will not extinguish .

  29. 数年来,天下太平,烽火皆熄。

    In the past few years , peace has reigned over the land and no beacon fires have been lit .

  30. 恶魔入侵已被阻止,但是却唤醒了另一场更为远古的战争的烽火。

    The Demon invasion has been staunched , but in its wake a far more older war has been rekindled .