
  1. 解决牛鞋面革皮坯裂面的方法试探

    Discussion about methods of preventing crack grain of cattle upper leather

  2. 提高光面绵羊毛革皮板质量的研究

    The study on improving the skin 's quality of the finishing sheep furskin

  3. 制造销售:服装鞋帽、毛针织品、羽绒制品、革皮服装。

    Manufacturing sales : clothing shoes and hats , hair knitwear , feather products , leather leather clothing .

  4. 花呢服装这种织物制成的服装制造销售:服装鞋帽、丝针织品、革皮服装。

    Clothing made of this fabric . Manufacturing sales : clothing shoes and hats , silk knitwear , leather leather clothing .

  5. 晨服,纺织品(羊毛或动物细毛除外)制,非针织或钩织制造销售:服装鞋帽、毛针织品、羽绒制品、革皮服装。

    Dress morning , of textile materials other than wool or fine animal hair , not knitted or crocheted Manufacturing sales : clothing shoes and hats , hair knitwear , feather products , leather leather clothing .

  6. 绵羊毛革两用皮关键工艺

    Key technique about sheepskin double face

  7. 毛被印花通常有羊剪绒皮、家兔皮、獭兔皮、黄狼皮、水貂皮及其褥子印花。皮板印花一般指毛革两用皮印花。

    The fur side print is suitabe for sheep shearling , domestic rabbit , beaver rabbit , yellow weasel , mink and bedding sack furs , and leather side print is fit in with double face .

  8. 是人造革还是天然皮的?

    Are they man-made leather or genuine leather ?

  9. 毛革两用绵羊皮脱脂工艺研究

    Degreasing of Double Faced Sheepskin Leather

  10. 小山羊革小山羊的皮做成的软皮革雪米皮(羚羊、山羊、鹿等制成的软皮)

    Soft leather made from the skin of a young goat .

  11. 对扎染、印花、吹涂等新的染整方法应用于山羊软包革,提高残次皮档次首次作了报导。

    Some new methods of dyeing and finishing have been made to improve the qualities of defective skin .

  12. 社会主义革命是革后两张皮:民族资本主义所有制和小生产者所有制。

    The last two skins , namely , national capitalist and small producer ownership , were targets of the socialist revolution .

  13. 在室温、1个大气压(1.01325×105Pa)、相对湿度60%条件下,分别测试了铬鞣猪皮鞋面革、牛皮鞋面革、绵羊皮服装革的伏安特性曲线,计算了它们的电导率与电阻率。

    At room temperature , under 1 atm ( 1.01325 × 105 Pa ), 60 % RH , the current-voltage characteristics of chrome pig shoe upper leather , calf shoe upper leather and sheep clothing leather were measured respectively .